‘If Everyone Hates Object-Oriented Programming, Why Is It Still So Widely Spread?’

Object-oriented programming “has been wildly successful. But was the success just a coincidence?” asks Stack Overflow’s blog: Asking why so many widely-used languages are OOP might be mixing up cause and effect. Richard Feldman argues in his talk that it might just be coincidence. C++ was developed in the early 1980s by Bjarne Stroustrup, initially as a set of extensions to…

Python Overtakes Java in New Language Popularity Ranking, As Rust Reaches Top 20

“Programming language Python is now firmly the second most popular programming language, for the first time knocking Java out of the top two places in RedMonk’s language popularity rankings,” reports ZDNet: It’s the first time since 2012 that Java is not one of the top two most popular languages in the developer analyst firm’s programming language popularity list. The company’s previous…

Stack Overflow Explores Why Developers Love TypeScript More Than Python

Stack Overflow asked 65,000 programmers for their favorite programming language, and this year Microsoft’s TypeScript knocked Python from the #2 spot. So they interviewed Microsoft’s principal engineering lead for the language “to find out what about TypeScript makes it so dang lovable.” Q: Do you remember why the team came up with TypeScript, why you wanted to release something like this?…

Stack Overflow Investigates Why Developers Love Rust So Much

This year Stack Overflow’s Developer Survey of 65,000 programmers found that Rust was their most-loved programming language — for the fifth year in a row. To understand why, they interviewed the top contributor to the site’s Rust topic. (“The short answer is that Rust solves pain points present in many other languages, providing a solid step forward with a limited number…

Rust Enters ‘Top 20’ Popularity Rankings For the First Time

Programming language Rust has entered the top 20 of the Tiobe popularity index for the first time, but it’s still five spots behind systems programming rival Go. ZDNet reports: There’s growing interest in the use of memory-safe Rust for systems programming to build major platforms, in particular at Microsoft, which is exploring it for Windows and Azure with the goal of…

How Devs Can Help Beat the COVID-19 Pandemic

The state of New York hopes to “amplify” its response to COVID-19 by launching tech-driven products with top companies, and it’s looking for professional volunteers with experience in software development, hardware deployment/end-user support, and data science (as well as areas like product management, design, operations management). Meanwhile, IBM’s 2020 “Call for Code Global Challenge” is a virtual hackathon with a $200,000…

Python Finally Ties With Java In RedMonk’s New Programming Language Rankings

An anonymous reader quotes ZDNet:
Python is tying with Java as the second most popular programming language behind JavaScript, according to developer analyst RedMonk’s latest ranking. The second spot for Python is the highest position it’s ever attained in RedMonk’s list of top programming languages, which is based on an analysis of GitHub and Stack Overflow data. Historically, Python has been steady…

Stack Exchange Apologizes, Offers ‘Possible Reinstatement’ To Moderator Removed Over Pronouns Policy

In October the Register reported that 20 Stack Exchange moderators had distanced themselves from the geeky Q&A site to protest policy changes and the removal of moderator Monica Cellio “over alleged violations of as-yet unpublished Code of Conduct changes.” Cellio just posted an update to the GoFundMe page where she’d raised $25,314 for legal action — a new announcement from Stack…

Do Coders Crave a Sense of Control?

This week Stack Overflow’s CEO/founder Joel Spolsky spoke to Clive Thompson, the tech journalist who just published the new book Coders: the Making of a New Tribe and the Remaking of the World . “It’s a sort of ethnographic history of this particular tribe,” explains a blog post at Stack Overflow, “examining how software developers fit into the world of business…

Stack Overflow Touts New Programming Solutions Tool That Mines Crowd Knowledge

Stack Overflow shares a new tool from a team of researchers that “takes the description of a programming task as a query and then provides relevant, comprehensive programming solutions containing both code snippets and their succinct explanations” — the Crowd Knowledge Answer Generator (or CROKAGE): In order to reduce the gap between the queries and solutions, the team trained a…