Amazon’s Ring May Also Be Working On Facial Recognition

“More than 10 million Ring doorbells have been installed worldwide, and BuzzFeed News found evidence that the company is working to develop facial recognition technology for its devices in Ukraine.” An anonymous reader quotes their report:
While Ring devices don’t currently use facial recognition technology, the company’s Ukraine arm appears to be working on it. “We develop semi-automated crime prevention and monitoring…

Freelance Site Fiverr Offers Illegal Private Spying Services

Freelancer site Fiverr is where a company can hire a short term app developer, a logo designer, or someone to help with their social media accounts. Fiverr is also a site where you can buy malware to illegally spy on your spouse, pay someone to place a GPS tracker on a car, or hire an unlicensed private investigator, Motherboard reported Monday,…

Huawei Is Working On Its Own Version of Google Maps

According to the state-owned China Daily, Huawei is working on a Google Maps alternative with Yandex and The service is expected to be unveiled in October. CNET reports: It’s apparently designed to use a tool for software developers to create apps based around its mapping capabilities, rather than for consumer use. It’ll connect to local mapping services, cover 150 countries…

China Warns India of ‘Reverse Sanctions’ if Huawei is Blocked

China has told India not to block its Huawei from doing business in the country, warning there could be consequences for Indian firms operating in China, Reuters reported on Tuesday, citing sources with knowledge of the matter said. From a report: India is due to hold trials for installing a next-generation 5G cellular network in the next few months, but has…

Edward Snowden Memoir To Reveal Whistleblower’s Secrets

After multiple books and films about his decision to leak the biggest cache of top-secret documents in history, whistleblower Edward Snowden is set to tell his side of the story in a memoir, Permanent Record. From a report: Out on 17 September, the book will be published in more than 20 countries and will detail how and why the former CIA…

Don’t Put Your Work Email on Your Personal Phone

Many of us have given up on the idea of carrying around a dedicated work phone. After all, why bother when you can get everything you need on your personal smartphone? Here’s one reason: Your work account might be spying on you in the background. From a column: When you add a work email address to your phone, you’ll likely be…