Hubble spies curious galaxy moving a little closer

This Hubble image stars Messier 90, a beautiful spiral galaxy located roughly 60 million light-years from the Milky Way in the constellation of Virgo (the Virgin). The galaxy is part of the Virgo Cluster, a gathering of galaxies that is over 1,200 strong. Source:…

Edward Snowden: Without Russian Asylum, ‘I Would Be in Guantanamo or Dead’

In this week’s CYBER podcast, we sat down with Edward Snowden to talk about his life in Russia, Julian Assange, and press freedom.Source:…

Does the Mueller report exonerate Trump? I asked 12 legal experts.


There’s A Lot We Still Don’t Know About WikiLeaks’ Role In The 2016 Election

The Mueller report leaves some unanswered questions on Julian Assange and WikiLeaks’s role in the hack and leak against the DNC and John Podesta. Source:…

The Constitution’s “natural-born” defect

All American citizens should be able to become president. Previous essays in this series have addressed fundamental flaws in the Constitution: the ill-defined nature of presidential powers, the malapportionment of the Senate, the Electoral College. But I wish to draw my readers’ attention to a less central, but still important defect: the requirement, stated in… Continue reading The Constitution’s “natural-born” defect

19.12 – MU Plus+ Podcast

On this episode of Mysterious Universe Plus+ we continue our take on the almost unbelievable story of two women who claim they were abducted and trained by the CIA when they were children. While the story takes some strange turns the conclusion is more disturbing that you can imagine. This episode is EXCLUSIVE to Plus+… Continue reading 19.12 – MU Plus+ Podcast