Treasure trove of ancient human remains hints at undiscovered species

A haul of more than 100 ancient human bones found in a cave in South Africa may belong to a previously undiscovered human species Source:…

A New Population of Blue Whales Was Discovered Hiding in the Indian Ocean

Weighing up to 380,000 pounds and stretching some 100 feet long, the blue whale — the largest creature to have ever lived on Earth — might at first seem difficult for human eyes and ears to miss. But a previously unknown population of the leviathans has long been lurking in the Indian Ocean, leaving scientists none the wiser, new research suggests….

Discovery of ‘Cryptic Species’ Shows Earth is Even More Biologically Diverse

A growing number of “cryptic species” hiding in plain sight have been unmasked in the past year, driven in part by the rise of DNA barcoding, a technique that can identify and differentiate between animal and plant species using their genetic divergence. From a report: The discovery of new species of aloe, African leaf-nosed bats and chameleons that appear similar to…

Nearly all land animal species could lose part of habitat by 2050

If current agriculture growth continues, nearly 90 per cent of land animal species could lose some habitat by 2050. However, steps such as changing our eating habits could prevent almost all of the projected loss Source:…

WHO-led Team Expected in China in January To Probe COVID-19 Origins

An international mission led by the World Health Organization (WHO) is expected to go to China in the first week of January to
investigate the origins of the virus that sparked the COVID-19 pandemic, a member and diplomats told Reuters this week. From a report: The United States, which has accused China of having hidden the outbreak’s extent, has called for a…

Newly discovered orchid species labelled the ugliest in the world

The unfortunate-looking orchid is named after the Latin word for “little lamb” for its woolly root, but it is far less cute than the label would suggest Source:…

New species are more likely to evolve in areas where few already exist

It has long been thought that new species are most likely to evolve in biodiversity hotspots like the Amazon rainforest, but a genetic analysis of birds suggests that extreme environments where few species exist help drive evolution Source:…