Retired US General Claims Revolutionary Transport Technology, Warns China Could Dominate Space

“Retired Lt. Gen. Steven L. Kwast says fantastic technology exists that could transport a human anywhere on earth within an hour,” reports The Drive, in an article shared by schwit1: As has been common as of late, Lt. Gen Kwast cites rapidly growing Chinese military and technological advances as the reason why the United States must invest heavily in new space-based…

Space Wars? Japan’s Probe Bombs Asteroid & India’s Satellite Bomb Endangers ISS

For those debating about whether a Space Force is needed, these stories are food for thought, discussion … and perhaps concern, if not a call to action. In the space of a few day, India’s space program blew up one of its own satellites, demonstrating the ability to attack anyone’s satellites and, more ominously, sending… Continue reading Space Wars? Japan’s Probe Bombs Asteroid & India’s Satellite Bomb Endangers ISS