ESA to launch space debris collector in 2025

If successful, the mission will be the first ever to remove a piece of space junk from Earth’s orbit. Satellites and spacecraft are already running a … Source:…

Exclusive: NASA has been quietly commercialising orbital safety

We thought NASA was just monitoring space junk for the US government, but it turns out it has been selling an orbital warning service to select customers Source:…

NASA is quietly helping satellite firms avoid catastrophic collisions

We thought NASA was just monitoring space junk for the US government, but it turns out it has been selling an orbital warning service to select customers Source:…

Tracking Satellites Through Crowdsourcing

A newly announced project called TruSat uses crowdsourced data to track satellites in an effort to hold companies and nations operating in space accountable. From a report: Space junk is a growing concern for those in the space industry, as companies plan to send thousands of satellites to orbit in the coming years. Having reliable means of tracking those satellites and…

Space junk: A recycling station could be cleaning up in Earth orbit by 2050

There are about 22,000 large objects orbiting the Earth, including working and broken satellites and bits of old rocket from past space expeditions. If you include all the equipment dropped by astronauts while floating in space and the debris from colliding satellites down to around 1cm in size, there are about one million bits of space junk in Earth’s orbit. Source:…

Can We Use Special Sails To Bring Old Satellites Back Down To Earth?

There’s already nearly 5,000 satellites orbiting earth, “and many of them are non-functioning space debris now, clogging up orbital paths for newer satellites,” reports Universe Today. Yet over the next five years we expect to launch up to 2600 more — which is prompting a search for solutions to “the growing problem of space debris in Low-Earth Orbit.” Some exotic-sounding solutions…

Orange fireball lighting Florida sky was Chinese space junk

Conspiracy theorists took to social media in a flurry of excitement Wednesday after a mysterious flying object resembling an orange fireball streaked across the Florida sky. Source:…