Space travel might fry your brain, causing permanent learning and memory problems

During the course of a deep space mission, astronauts are routinely in various degrees of peril. Depending on which Hollywood sci-fi thrillers you choose, these intrepid explorers are at the mercy of malicious aliens, psychotic computers, or collisions with asteroids or space debris. While these might all be possible concerns, remote or otherwise, the greatest real danger to astronauts may in…

Top 10 tips for watching 2019’s Perseid meteors

The 2019 Perseid meteor shower will likely peak August 12-13, unfortunately under the light of a bright moon. But the shower is already rising to its peak. Tips here for getting the most from this year’s Perseid shower. Source:…

Can We Use Special Sails To Bring Old Satellites Back Down To Earth?

There’s already nearly 5,000 satellites orbiting earth, “and many of them are non-functioning space debris now, clogging up orbital paths for newer satellites,” reports Universe Today. Yet over the next five years we expect to launch up to 2600 more — which is prompting a search for solutions to “the growing problem of space debris in Low-Earth Orbit.” Some exotic-sounding solutions…

Today in 2015: New Horizons at Pluto

The small, fast-moving New Horizons spacecraft is likely to be the only Pluto mission in the lifetimes of many of us. It changed forever the way we on Earth perceive this outermost world and its moons. Source:…

How meteors create Mars’ clouds

Scientists have been trying to figure out how clouds form in Mars’ thin atmosphere, and thanks to new research, the answer seems to be … meteors. Source:…

No, asteroid 2006 QV89 won’t strike Earth in September

There’ve been scare stories online this month about asteroid 2006 QV89, a space rock that’ll pass closest to Earth on September 9, 2019. Should you be scared? Heck no. Source:…

US astronomers speak on SpaceX Starlink satellites

The American Astronomical Society – chief organization for US astronomers – said it is in conversations with SpaceX about the impending launch of 12,000 Starlink satellites. The astronomers worry the satellites will interfere with their work of understanding the universe. Source:…