Russia Says It Will Keep Source of Hole (and Air Leak) on Soyuz Secret— But NASA Wants to Know: Report

Amid reports that the Russians will keep the cause of an air leak at the International Space Station secret, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine has promised to speak personally with the head of Roscosmos. Source:

Russian Soyuz docks with ISS on 2nd attempt

After the Soyuz MS-14’s first automated approach to the ISS was aborted due to a malfunction, the spacecraft has now docked safely at the station’s Zvezda module. It carries supplies for the crew and a humanoid robot. Source:…

International Space Station crew relocates Soyuz capsule

The crew of the International Space Station has successfully relocated a Soyuz space capsule to another docking port to facilitate the rendezvous with another spacecraft. Source:…

Two weeks of science and Beyond

Over two weeks have flown by since ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano was launched to the International Space Station for his second six-month stay in orbit. His arrival, alongside NASA astronaut Andrew Morgan and Roscosmos Soyuz commander Alexander Skvortsov, boosted the Station’s population to six and the crew has been busy ever since—performing a wide range of science in space. Source:…

Cheops passes final review before shipment to launch site

The Characterising Exoplanet Satellite, Cheops, has successfully passed the final analysis review for its launch on a Soyuz rocket from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. Source:…