India’s Chandrayaan-2 is 2 weeks away from its moon landing

The spacecraft is slowing down for its final orbit, with its next maneuver scheduled for August 28. It’s due to land September 7. Details about the mission, plus Chandrayaan-2’s first image of the moon, here. Source:…

Chandrayaan-2 is on its way to the moon

Following a series of successful maneuvers, India’s Chandrayaan-2 spacecraft has shifted trajectories and is now on its way to the moon. Source:…

Update on India’s Chandrayaan-2 moon mission

Tomorrow, the spacecraft will shift from its orbit of Earth toward a path to the moon. Source:…

Chandrayaan-2 successfully completes 3rd orbit-raising maneuver

India’s 2nd moon mission, Chandrayaan-2, successfully carried out its 3rd orbit-raising maneuver on Monday. It will soon enter trans-lunar orbit, with the goal of landing on the moon on September 7. Source:…

Inside dark, polar moon craters, water not as invincible as expected, scientists argue

The Moon’s south pole region is home to some of the most extreme environments in the solar system: it’s unimaginably cold, massively cratered, and has areas that are either constantly bathed in sunlight or in darkness. This is precisely why NASA wants to send astronauts there in 2024 as part of its Artemis program. Source:…

India has launched its Chandrayaan 2 mission to the moon

India launched its second moon mission on 22 July. The mission will place a lander and rover near the moon’s south pole, a promising site for human exploration Source:…

Enceladus’ ocean right age to support life

The subsurface ocean of Saturn’s moon Enceladus seems possibly habitable in many ways. Now a new study has determined it’s the right age to support life, too. Source:…

India’s moon mission Chandrayaan 2 delayed just before launch

Just before the intended launch of India’s Chandrayaan 2 mission to the moon’s south pole, a “technical snag” with the rocket caused it to be called off for now Source:…

India Plans Historic Launch of a Rocket to the Moon

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is planning to launch a rocket to the moon. UPDATE: 2:28: The launch “has been called off for today,” the ISRO posted on Twitter. But when the re-scheduled launch happens, you can watch it live on two YouTube channels, on Twitter, Facebook, or webcast on the ISRO’s web site. TechCrunch has also embedded a livestreaming…