What’s a Blood Moon?

In some circles of Christian prophecy, a Blood Moon is a member of a special kind of lunar tetrad : four total lunar eclipses in a row, each separated by six lunar months. By this definition, the last Blood Moon occurred on September 28, 2015. Source: https://earthsky.org/human-world/what-is-a-blood-moon-lunar-eclipses-2014-2015…

Expanding Healthcare Access Shrinks Inequality in Brazil, Imperial Research Shows

The United Nations has declared reducing inequality as one of its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) both within and among countries. This includes a target for countries to adopt social protection policies that “progressively achieve greater equality.” Healthcare is a core concern of those social protection policies, and a recent study shows that expanding access to […]
The post Expanding Healthcare Access Shrinks…

Word of the week: Opposition

Saturn’s opposition is this week. Jupiter’s opposition was about a month ago. What is opposition? It marks the middle of the best time of year to see a planet … but why? Source: https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/what-is-opposition-astronomy…

SuperCam instrument integrated on NASA’s Mars 2020 rover

The French/American SuperCam instrument has been delivered early June to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and has been integrated this week on NASA’s Mars 2020 rover. The French space agency, CNES, together with university institutes in France, developed the multi-purpose camera to remotely analyze minerals, chemistry, sounds, and test for compounds associated with life, together with the Los Alamos National Laboratory (US)….

The Online Advertising Industry Is Breaking the Law, Says UK Watchdog

An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: The online behavioral advertising industry is illegally profiling internet users. That’s the damning assessment of the U.K.’s data protection regulator in an update report published today, in which it sets out major concerns about the programmatic advertising process known as real-time bidding (RTB), which makes up a large chunk of online advertising. In…

Quantum music to my ears

It sounds like an old-school vinyl record, but the distinctive crackle in the music streamed into Chris Holloway’s laboratory is atomic in origin. The group at the National Institute for Standards and Technology, Boulder, Colorado, spent a long six years finding a way to directly measure electric fields using atoms, so who can blame them for then having a little fun…

We Won’t Be Listening To Music in a Decade According To Vinod Khosla

In the future, we won’t be listening to our favorite bands or artists, we’ll be listening to custom made sounds that are tailored to our mood. At least, that’s what billionaire venture capitalist Vinod Khosla believes. From a report: “I actually think 10 years from now, you won’t be listening to music,” is a thing venture capitalist Vinod Khosla said onstage…

‘Medicine Needs To Embrace Open Source’

Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols from ZDNet argues that “the expensive and abusive pharmaceutical industry needs to open up to improve everyone’s health.” An anonymous reader shares an excerpt from the report: Now, I know little about creating and testing drugs. Here’s what I do know: Open source and data produces better results than proprietary methods. In technology, the field I know best,…

Elon Musk Says Tesla Is Working On a James Bond-Style Submarine Car

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Futurism: During a Tuesday shareholder meeting, Tesla CEO Elon Musk admitted that the electric car company has a design for a submarine car — and it sounds like something straight out of a 70s James Bond movie. When asked if the company would ever consider such a thing, according to Business Insider, Musk answered:…