Some frogs have noise-cancelling lungs to dampen other species’ calls

To better hear a male’s mating call, some female frogs have noise-cancelling lungs, which resonate at frequencies that filter out the sounds of other species Source:…

Changing sounds reveal impact of Amazon fires on animal life

Recordings reveal that the Brazilian Amazon sounds different after it has been burned several times, suggesting acoustic monitoring as a tool to measure ecosystem degradation Source:…

Neanderthal ears were tuned to hear speech just like modern humans

Virtual reconstructions of Neanderthal ears show that our extinct cousins had the same physical capacity for hearing as modern humans, and so could probably also make the same sounds we can – although whether they actually spoke a language is still unknown Source:…

Did you find the message hidden in Perseverance’s parachute?

The striped pattern on the parachute used by the Perseverance rover to land on Mars contained a hidden message. Internet sleuths were able to figure it out within a few hours. Source:…

Starlink Will Hit 300Mbps and Expand To ‘Most of Earth’ This Year

Starlink broadband speeds will double to 300Mbps “later this year,” SpaceX CEO Elon Musk wrote on Twitter this week. SpaceX has been telling users to expect speeds of 50Mbps to 150Mbps since the beta began a few months ago. From a report: Musk also wrote that “latency will drop to ~20ms later this year.” This is no surprise, as SpaceX promised…

NASA’s Mars Perseverance Rover Provides Front-Row Seat to Landing, First Audio Recording of Red Planet

New video from NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance rover chronicles major milestones during the final minutes of its entry, descent, and landing (EDL) on the Red Planet on Feb. 18 as the spacecraft plummeted, parachuted, and rocketed toward the surface of Mars. A microphone on the rover also has provided the first audio recording of sounds from Mars. From a report: From…

Martin Scorsese Argues Streaming Algorithms Devalue Cinema into ‘Content’

In a new essay for Harper’s magazine, Martin Scorsese argues the art of cinema is being systematically devalued and demeaned by streaming services and their algorithms, “and reduced to its lowest common denominator, ‘content.'” “Content” became a business term for all moving images: a David Lean movie, a cat video, a Super Bowl commercial, a superhero sequel, a series episode. It…

Solar and Wind Are Reaching for the Last 90% of the US Power Market

An anonymous reader shares a report: Three decades ago, the U.S. passed an infinitesimal milestone: solar and wind power generated one-tenth of one percent of the country’s electricity. It took 18 years, until 2008, for solar and wind to reach 1% of U.S. electricity. It took 12 years for solar and wind to increase by another factor of 10. In 2020,…

Anniversary of mysterious parade of meteors

On February 9, 1913, lucky observers witnessed the Great Meteor Procession, when bright meteors soared horizontally across the sky in a stately marching rank for minutes at a time. Source:…

Eerie sounds recorded over Siberia’s icy depths

One daring photographer recorded himself skating over thin ice – quite literally – on the surface of lake Baikal. The unnerving video, which was filme… Source:…