‘Save Europe from Software Patents’, Urges Nonprofit FFII

Long-time Slashdot reader zoobab shares this update about the long-standing Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure, a Munich-based non-profit opposing ratification of a “Unified Patent Court” by Germany: The FFII is crowdfunding a constitutional complaint in Germany against the third attempt to impose software patents in Europe, calling on all software companies, independent software developers and FLOSS authors to donate. The…

Nonprofit Argues Germany Can’t Ratify the ‘Unitary Patent’ Because of Brexit

Long-time Slashdot reader zoobab shares this update from the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure, a Munich-based non-profit opposing ratification of a “Unified Patent Court” by Germany. They argue such a court will “validate and expand software patents in Europe,” and they’ve come up with a novel argument to stop it. “Germany cannot ratify the current Unitary Patent due to Brexit…”

Gopher’s Rise and Fall Shows How Much We Lost When Monopolists Stole the Net

Science-fiction writer, journalist and longtime Slashdot reader, Cory Doctorow, a.k.a. mouthbeef, writes: The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) just published the latest installment in my case histories of “adversarial interoperability” — once the main force that kept tech competitive. Today, I tell the story of Gopher, the web’s immediate predecessor, which burrowed under the mainframe systems’ guardians and created a menu-driven interface…