The Cutting Edge of 3D Printing: Chemicals Within Chemicals, and Printing Tissue In Bodies

Engineers at the University of California, Davis, have developed a new approach to 3D printing with potential applications in tissue engineering, soft robotics, and wearable technology — by repurposing the glass capillary microfluidic devices used in their lab to encapsulate one chemical inside droplets of another:
The resulting structure looks like a Pac-Man maze, with little dots of PEGDA droplets surrounded by…

MIT Builds Robot Hand That Can ‘See and Feel’ Objects

Robotic hands capable of picking up objects as fragile as a crisp by “sensing” objects have been developed by researchers. The Independent reports: Two new tools built by MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) offer a breakthrough in the emerging field of soft robotics — a new generation of robots that use squishy, flexible materials rather than traditional rigid…