How to Get the Best Sleep of Your Life

Sofia Adamson – If you want to decrease your risk of disease, improving the quality of your sleep should be a top priority. Source:…

Best Free (and Almost Free) Resources to Help You Eat a Plant-rich Diet

Sofia Adamson – There are tons of resources available online to get you on the path of eating a plant-based diet. Source:…

9 Hobbies as Alternative Methods to Boost Creativity and Health

Sofia Adamson – Study says certain ‘behavioral pursuits’ can lead to happiness, reduce boredom and stress, and even improve heart rate. Source:…

6 Ways to Use Your Smartphone More Wisely

Sofia Adamson – Instead of mindlessly staying glued to your screen, consider limiting the use of your smartphone to only these features and apps. Source:…

The CBD Secret: What Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You to Know About CBD Oil

Sofia Adamson – Big Pharma has worked relentlessly to hide powerful natural remedies like CBD oil from the public.


Researchers Discover a Natural Compound that Kills Cancer

Sofia Adamson, Staff Waking Times Cancer is a ruthless disease that leaves nothing but destruction in its wake. It is aggressive, and very few compounds on the planet are known to keep it at bay. But a growing body of evidence shows that a compound found in the cannabis plant can actually combat cancer. This… Continue reading Researchers Discover a Natural Compound that Kills Cancer

Are Government-sanctioned Cell Towers Causing Cancer in Children?

Sofia Adamson, Staff Waking Times Over the last three years, four students at Weston Elementary school in Ripon, California have been diagnosed with cancer. While government officials claim it is likely a coincidence, parents are increasingly concerned that a cell phone tower located directly in the schoolyard is to blame. One parent, in particular, believes… Continue reading Are Government-sanctioned Cell Towers Causing Cancer in Children?