Stars and skulls: New ESO image reveals eerie nebula

This ethereal remnant of a long dead star, nestled in the belly of The Whale, bears an uneasy resemblance to a skull floating through space. Captured in astounding detail by ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT), the eerie Skull Nebula is showcased in this new image in beautiful bloodshot colors. This planetary nebula is the first known to be associated with a…

Mysterious evolution of wonky whale skulls

How we worked out when whales first evolved asymmetrical skulls. Source:…

Looted skulls and human remains are being sold in black markets on Facebook

A Live Science investigation unlocked a world inside private Facebook groups in which human remains are often sold with little information about their origins — raising questions about how they were acquired. Source:

Urban Foxes May Be Self-Domesticating In Our Midst

sciencehabit quotes Science magazine: In a famous Siberian experiment carried out the 1950s, scientists turned foxes into tame, doglike canines by breeding only the least aggressive ones generation after generation. The creatures developed stubby snouts, floppy ears, and even began to bark. Now, it appears that some rural red foxes in the United Kingdom are doing this on their own. When…

Deformed ‘alien skulls’ unearthed in Hungary reveal secrets of Roman Empire collapse

By studying artificially deformed skulls from a graveyard dating to more than 1,000 years ago, archaeologists are piecing together clues about an ancient community’s culture. Source:

Powerful X-ray imaging reveals new details of dinosaur embryos in eggs

To look at dinosaur embryos entombed inside 200 million year old fossil eggs, scientists used powerful X-rays to create detailed images. They wanted to see how these embryos compared to those of modern-day dinosaur relatives. Source:…