Monty Python’s Silly Walk is exactly 6.7 times more silly than normal

An analysis of a classic Monty Python sketch suggests the Minister of Silly Walks has a walking style 6.7 times more variable, or silly, than normal walking Source:…

Sacha Baron Cohen Gave the Greatest Speech on Why Social Networks Need To Be Put On Check

For an actor who made a career by playing silly characters, actor Sacha Baron Cohen gave yesterday one of the most eloquent and convincing speeches in a long time in support of cracking down on large social media networks to prevent the spread of lies and hate speech that these platforms allow. From a report: While accepting his award, Cohen touched…

Microsoft To Kids With Chromebooks: No 2019 Minecraft Hour of Code For You!

Long-time Slashdot reader theodp writes: In years past, Microsoft’s wildly popular Minecraft-themed Hour of Code tutorials were browser-based, pretty much allowing schoolchildren to participate regardless of whether their schools used PCs, Macs or Chromebooks. “Computer science is a foundation for every student,” Microsoft explained on a web page about the Hour of Code, adding that “a quality computer science education should…

Stadia Launch Developer Says Game Makers Are Worried ‘Google Is Just Going To Cancel It’

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: Google has a long and well-documented history of launching new services only to shut them down a few months or years later. And with the launch of Stadia imminent, one launch game developer has acknowledged the prevalence of concerns about that history among her fellow developers while also downplaying their seriousness in…

Flop, an exhibition about failure, shows the joy and pain of mistakes

From the accidental creation of Silly Putty to an abandoned attempt to build a universal language, University College London’s latest exhibition, Flop, offers new ways to look at failure Source:…

Ice cliffs in Antarctica might not contribute to extreme sea-level rise in this century

A 2016 study suggested tall ice cliffs along Antarctica’s coast might collapse rapidly under their own weight and contribute to more than 6 feet of sea-level rise by 2100. Now, MIT researchers have found this prediction may be overestimated. Source:…

Monty Python’s 50th Anniversary Celebrated With ‘Extremely Silly’ Event

The Monty Python character known as the Gumby would often be found saying “My brain hurts”. Now Reuters reports: In what is billed as an “extremely silly” event, hordes of Monty Python fans will gather in full Gumby attire in London on Saturday to celebrate the British comedy troupe’s 50th anniversary. Kitted out in rubber boots, sleeveless sweaters, rolled-up trousers and…

Can Swap Space Solve System Performance Issues?

Earlier this week on the Linux kernel mailing list, Artem S. Tashkinov described a low-memory scenario where “the system will stall hard. You will barely be able to move the mouse pointer. Your disk LED will be flashing incessantly…” “I’m afraid I have bad news for the people snickering at Linux here,” wrote Chris Siebenmann, a sys-admin at the University of…

Are Millennials Spending Too Much Money On Coffee?

An anonymous reader quotes the Atlantic:
Suze Orman wants young people to stop “peeing” away millions of dollars on coffee. Last month, the personal-finance celebrity ignited a controversy on social media when a video she starred in for CNBC targeted a familiar villain: kids these days and their silly $5 lattes. Because brewing coffee at home is less expensive, Orman argued, purchasing…