SpaceX Begins a Day With Two Falcon 9 Launches, Seventh Flight of a Recycled Rocket

While tonight will see SpaceX’s 16th launch of its broadband satellites, that launch will also make history, reports CNET: The first stage of the Falcon 9 rocket is set to make its seventh flight, which would be a record for rocket recycling for the company. The booster previously flew on four Starlink missions and a pair of larger telecom satellite launches….

Chrome Will Soon Have Its Own Dedicated Certificate Root Store

Google has announced plans to run its own certificate root program/store for Chrome, in a major architectural shift for the company’s web browser program. From a report: A “root program” or a “root store” is a list of root certificates that operating systems and applications use to verify the identity of a software program during its installation routine. Browsers like Chrome…

Brave Browser First To Nix CNAME Deception

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Register: The Brave web browser will soon block CNAME cloaking, a technique used by online marketers to defy privacy controls designed to prevent the use of third-party cookies. The browser security model makes a distinction between first-party domains — those being visited — and third-party domains — from the suppliers of things like…

SpaceX launched 60 more Starlink satellites this week

After 2 weeks of scrubs, SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket blasted off October 6, 2020, carrying 60 more Starlink satellites to orbit. The rocket successfully landed at sea 9 minutes later. Video of the launch and landing here, plus steps taken to reduce the bright satellites’ effect on astronomy. Source:…

Amid the Pandemic’s Urban Quiet, a Song That Makes Sense

“Every musician knows that when the performers can hear one another, the performance is always better than otherwise,” writes Slashdot reader nightcats. “This principle applies in nature as well, and has been anecdotally witnessed amid the quiet imposed by COVID-19 on cities around the world. In San Francisco, behavioral ecologist Liz Derryberry has been able to deliver a dramatic scientific demonstration…

Astronauts shelter as ISS boosted to avoid orbital debris

The International Space Station underwent an unscheduled reboost in orbit yesterday, to avoid a collision with an unknown piece of space junk. The 3-man crew was ordered to shelter, but is safe. Source:…

Slimy ships could slip through water more efficiently to save energy

Inspired by seaweed, physicists are exploring how mucus can reduce drag on ship hulls and help vessels cut through water more efficiently to save energy and fuel Source:…

Lenovo Releases First Fedora Linux ThinkPad Laptop

Today, Lenovo has released a ThinkPad with Red Hat’s community Linux, Fedora. ZDNet reports: First in this new Linux-friendly lineup is the X1 Carbon Gen 8. It will be followed by forthcoming versions of the ThinkPad P1 Gen2 and ThinkPad P53. While ThinkPads are usually meant for business users, Lenovo will be happy to sell the Fedora-powered X1 Carbon to home…