Humpback whale population on the rise

After a near-miss with extinction, a population of humpback whales in the South Atlantic has rebounded. Source:…

Forbes Raves Upcoming Linux Desktop Will ‘Embarass’ Windows 10 and macOS

Forbes senior contributor Jason Evangelho dedicated a whole article to a coming update for one Chinese-domestic Linux distribution: If you haven’t been paying attention to a little Linux desktop distribution called Deepin, it’s time to put it on your radar. Nevermind that Huawei chose Deepin to ship on their MateBook laptop lineup. Nevermind that Deepin Cloud Sync [for system settings] is…

Most U.S. Dairy Cows Are Descended From Just 2 Bulls. That’s Not Good

Chad Dechow, a geneticist at Pennsylvania State University who studies dairy cows, is explaining how all of America’s cows ended up so similar to each other. From a report: He brings up a website on his computer. “This is the company Select Sires,” he says. It’s one of just a few companies in the United States that sells semen from bulls…

System76 Will Begin Shipping 2 Linux Laptops With Coreboot-Based Open Source Firmware

System76, the Denver-based Linux PC manufacturer and developer of Pop OS, has some stellar news for those who prefer their laptops a little more open. Later this month the company will begin shipping two of their laptop models with its Coreboot-powered open source firmware. From a report: Beginning today, System76 will start taking pre-orders for both the Galago Pro and Darter…

How deep is the ocean?

On average the ocean is 2.3 miles (3.7 km) deep, but many parts are much shallower or deeper. In the deepest zones, life forms have adapted to live in the dark, under crushing water pressure. Source:…