There’s Still No Sign of Privacy Labels On Most Google iOS Apps

As of December 8, Apple has been requiring developers to provide privacy label information to their apps, outlining the data that each app collects from users when it is installed. Many app developers have included the labels, but there’s one notable outlier — Google. schwit1 shares a report from MacRumors: Google has not updated its major apps like Gmail, Google Maps,…

Inherited podcast finds hope in the dreams of young climate activists

From sit-ins at the office of US speaker Nancy Pelosi to school protests by Greta Thunberg, a fascinating podcast shares the stories of young people fighting climate change Source:…

Penn State Engineers Are Developing An Inexpensive, Thermally-Modulated Battery For Electric Cars

schwit1 shares a report from Penn State University: Range anxiety, the fear of running out of power before being able to recharge an electric vehicle, may be a thing of the past, according to a team of Penn State engineers who are looking at lithium iron phosphate batteries that have a range of 250 miles with the ability to charge in…

Netflix Is Finally Adding a Streaming Roulette Feature As It Clinches 200 Million Subscribers

Netflix has officially amassed 200 million subscribers, sending shares soaring 12%. As it continues to compete with rival services, Netflix says it’s preparing to roll out a new feature that will allow the service to pick a title based on a user’s preferences rather than requiring them to browse for something to watch. Gizmodo reports: Netflix said in its fourth-quarter shareholders…

What You Should Known Before Leaking a Zoom Meeting

The Intercept’s Nikita Mazurov warns that Zoom has digital watermarks that could expose sources working with journalists or government officials. An anonymous reader shares an excerpt from the report: Many users may not realize it, but Zoom has the capability to insert both video and audio watermarks into a meeting. The video watermarks are readily perceptible to meeting participants. When enabled,…

Tim Cook: Why I Kicked Parler Off Apple’s App Store

Charlotte Web shares a report from CNN: Apple, along with Amazon and Google, effectively kicked Parler off the internet in the wake of the January 6 US Capitol siege. Despite criticism that Big Tech wields too much power over speech, Apple CEO Tim Cook defended his decision. “We looked at the incitement to violence that was on there,” Apple CEO Tim…

Ask Slashdot: How Should User-Generated Content Be Moderated?

“I increasingly suspect that the days of large-scale public distribution of unmoderated user generated content on the Internet may shortly begin drawing to a close in significant ways…” writes long-time Slashdot reader Lauren Weinstein. And then he shares “a bit of history”:
Back in 1985 when I launched my “Stargate” experiment to broadcast Usenet Netnews over the broadcast television vertical blanking interval…

Estimated Cost of Poor Software Quality in the U.S. in 2020: $2.1 Trillion

TechRepublic shares a remarkable calculation by the not-for-profit IT leadership group the Consortium for Information and Software Security: CISQ’s 2020 report, The Cost of Poor Software Quality in the U.S., looked at the financial impact of software projects that went awry or otherwise ended up leaving companies with a larger bill by creating additional headaches for them. According to the consortium,…

Apple Suspended Social Media Platform Wimkin From Its App Store

Apple “suspended” the social media platform Wimkin from its App Store, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, “part of a widening crackdown by tech companies on potentially dangerous content during the presidential transition.” Long-time Slashdot reader phalse phace shares their report: Mr. Sheppard said the takedowns on the platform, which has 300,000 users and mimics some of the functions of…

Watch NASA Test-Fire Its SLS Mega-Rocket Engines

“The date is set,” NASA tweeted yesterday, thanking its partners Boeing Space and Aerojet Rocketdyne for Saturday’s “hot fire” test of the SLS’s core stage. “One of NASA’s main goals for 2021 is to launch Artemis I, an uncrewed moon mission meant to show the Orion spacecraft and Space Launch System rocket can safely send humans to our lunar neighbor,” reports…