The Constitution’s “natural-born” defect

All American citizens should be able to become president. Previous essays in this series have addressed fundamental flaws in the Constitution: the ill-defined nature of presidential powers, the malapportionment of the Senate, the Electoral College. But I wish to draw my readers’ attention to a less central, but still important defect: the requirement, stated in… Continue reading The Constitution’s “natural-born” defect

Why the Senate is blocking a new net neutrality bill, a year after trying to save it

The House just passed a bill to bring back net neutrality. McConnell says it’s “dead on arrival” in the Senate. The US House of Representatives just passed a bill to bring Obama-era net neutrality rules back to the internet. This time, they want to make these regulations law so the Federal Communications Commission can’t overturn… Continue reading Why the Senate is blocking a new net neutrality bill, a year after trying to save it

Net Neutrality Bill Sails Through the House But Faces an Uncertain Political Future

House lawmakers on Wednesday approved a Democrat-backed bill (alternative source) that would restore rules requiring AT&T, Verizon and other Internet providers to treat all Web traffic equally, marking an early step toward reversing one of the most significant deregulatory moves of the Trump era. From a report: But the net neutrality measure is likely to… Continue reading Net Neutrality Bill Sails Through the House But Faces an Uncertain Political Future

The Health Reforms the G.O.P. Should Embrace (but Probably Won’t)

Republicans keep searching for a politically safe silver bullet that slays Obamacare and yet leaves everyone happy. That plan doesn’t exist. Source:

Impasse Over Aid for Puerto Rico Stalls Billions in Federal Disaster Relief

The Senate voted down two disaster aid bills on as Republicans and Democrats clashed over President Trump’s opposition to sending more food and infrastructure help to Puerto Rico. Source:

Trump’s Acts Show the Urgent Need to Curb the Imperial Presidency

The end of the Mueller investigation reveals that post-Watergate guardrails set up against executive overreach have been smashed and need replacing. Source: