Pipeline Protesters Could Face up to 20 Years in Prison Under New Trump Proposal

Jake Johnson – The Trump administration unveiled a proposal that would criminalize pipeline protests at the federal level. Source: https://www.wakingtimes.com/2019/06/04/pipeline-protesters-could-face-up-to-20-years-in-prison-under-new-trump-proposal/…

Maine Lawmakers Pass Bill To Prevent ISPs From Selling Browsing Data Without Consent

Maine lawmakers have passed a bill that will prevent internet providers from selling consumers’ private internet data to advertisers. From a report: The state’s senate unanimously passed the bill 35-0 on Thursday following an earlier vote by state representatives 96-45 in favor of the bill. The bill, if signed into law by state governor Janet Mills, will force the national and…

Uber and Lyft’s Rise Tanked Wheelchair Access To Taxis

A new San Francisco city report details the devastating drop in on-demand rides for the disability community after the rise of Uber and Lyft. From a report: The financial blow to the taxi industry, the report alleges, was also a blow to the availability of on-demand trips for anyone who uses a wheelchair. The report also points a way forward for…

Senate Passes Bill Cracking Down On Robocalls

The Senate on Thursday passed a bill that aims to crack down on unwanted robocalls. “The legislation would impose stiffer fines of as much as $10,000 per call on robocallers who knowingly flout the rules on calls and would increase the statute of limitations to three years, up from one year,” reports CNN. “It also instructs the Federal Communications Commission to…

Florida’s new law lets teachers carry guns in class. Black and Latino students are worried.

Source: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/5/9/18563345/florida-texas-armed-teachers-school-safety-black-latino-students…

Facebook’s controversial fact-checking partnership with a Daily Caller-funded website, explained

Source: https://www.vox.com/2019/5/2/18522758/facebook-fact-checking-partnership-daily-caller…

Buddha Buzz Weekly: Paying Respects

Buddhists across the world pray for the Sri Lanka church-bombing victims and US senators pay a visit to Thich Nhat Hanh in Vietnam. Tricycle looks back at the events of this week in the Buddhist world.
The post Buddha Buzz Weekly: Paying Respects appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review. Source: https://tricycle.org/trikedaily/sri-lanka-bombings/…

At a town hall, Elizabeth Warren had to explain why a woman is electable. Twice.

Source: https://www.vox.com/2019/4/22/18511866/cnn-townhall-elizabeth-warren-hillary-clinton-trump…