Human-linked Earth vibrations dropped 50% during Covid-19 lockdown

Between March and May 2020, many people across Earth went into lockdown. During those months, seismographs recorded a drop in human-linked vibrations in the solid Earth, by an average of 50%. Source:…

Are the Earth’s magnetic poles about to swap places?

Earth’s previous polar reversal happened 780,000 years ago. Are we facing another one soon? Hear from the authors of a new study, on a strange anomaly that might be a clue. Source:…

Seismic waves reveal giant structures deep beneath Earth’s surface

Seismic waves travelling through the Earth have revealed a giant structure between Earth’s molten core and solid mantle under the Marquesas Islands in the South Pacific Source:…

Marsquakes: InSight lander shows active faults in planet’s crust

The results from its NASA’s Mars InSight lander’s first 10 months on the martian surface have been published in a series of papers. Source:…

Mars Is a Seismically Active World, First Results From NASA’s InSight Lander Reveal

The first results from NASA’s quake-hunting InSight Mars lander just came out, and they reveal that Mars is a seismically active planet. reports: Martian seismicity falls between that of the moon and that of Earth, [says InSight principal investigator Bruce Banerdt, of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory]. “In fact, it’s probably close to the kind of seismic activity you would expect…

Listen to the sounds of Mars

Here are some of the noises picked up by NASA’s Insight spacecraft since it landed on Mars almost a year ago. Source:…