Human-linked Earth vibrations dropped 50% during Covid-19 lockdown

Between March and May 2020, many people across Earth went into lockdown. During those months, seismographs recorded a drop in human-linked vibrations in the solid Earth, by an average of 50%. Source:…

Mini-marsquakes measured by InSight lander show effects of sun and wind

Compared with our own planet Earth, Mars might seem like a “dead” planet, but even there, the wind blows and the ground moves. On Earth, we study the ambient seismic noise rippling mainly due to ocean activity to peek underground at the structure of the Earth’s interior. Can we do the same on Mars, without an ocean? Source:…

Earth’s Crust Is Shaking Less After Coronavirus Lockdowns

CNN reports:
Around the world, seismologists are observing a lot less ambient seismic noise — meaning, the vibrations generated by cars, trains, buses and people going about their daily lives. And in the absence of that noise, Earth’s upper crust is moving just a little less. Thomas Lecocq, a geologist and seismologist at the Royal Observatory in Belgium, first pointed out this…