The amusing skulduggery-filled tale of how beavers returned to Britain

From photocopying secret files to taking on the powerful lobby groups, activist Derek Gow’s book Bringing Back the Beaver tells his side of the story of Britain’s beaver reintroduction Source:…

Should the U.S. Pardon Edward Snowden?

Long-time Slashdot readers 93 Escort Wagon and schwit1 both shared the news that U.S. President Trump is “considering” a pardon for Edward Snowden, a former National Security Agency contractor who “leaked a trove of secret files in 2013 to news organizations that revealed vast domestic and international surveillance operations” carried out by the agency, according to Reuters: U.S. authorities for years…

The Secret Surveillance of Princess Diana

Government agencies around the world have declassified a wealth of documents on numerous celebrity figures. There can be no doubt, however, that those same agencies, and many more, continue to withhold materials on other famous individuals, most notably on the late Diana, Princess of Wales. Along with her lover Dodi Fayed and driver Henri Paul,… Continue reading The Secret Surveillance of Princess Diana