How To Make Compost

We probably don’t need to tell you the benefits of compost for your soil. With a few easy steps you can grow bigger healthier plants and save your scraps from being turned into garbage. Plus, composting gives you the opportunity to see exactly what is going into your fertilizer. So enrich your soil, plants, and life…Continue Reading
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9000 km belt of seaweed spanning the Atlantic threatens marine life

A massive 9000-kilometre-stretch of algae spanning between west Africa and the Gulf of Mexico is threatening marine life and ecosystems Source:…

Lush underwater forests … in the Arctic

Did you know that there are hidden underwater forests of large brown seaweeds (kelps) in the Arctic? As temperatures warm, the forests are expanding. Source:…

A Taste of Seaweed

If you’re not ready to cook with kelp but are interested in trying a bite or two, here are some prepared seaweed products worth seeking out. Source:…

The Climate-Friendly Vegetable You Ought to Eat

Kelp is delicious and versatile, and farming it is actively good for the ocean. Melissa Clark wants you to just try a bite. Source:…

Reef halo riddle: What’s behind the mysterious rings around coral?

We long assumed that circles of bare sand around coral reefs are caused by fish nibbling away seaweed. But a 10-year investigation has found the truth is far murkier Source:…

Magnesium Puts Psychiatric Drugs to Shame for Depression

Sayer Ji – Depression is one of the most widely diagnosed conditions of our time. Source:…

Trilobites: Watch a Great White Shark Hunt Through a Kelp Forest for Its Next Meal

The video collected by researchers revealed a surprising hunting behavior in the ocean predators that had never been documented. Source: