Greenland lost almost 4 trillion tonnes of ice in less than 30 years

The Greenland ice sheet lost 3.8 trillion tonnes of ice between 1992 and 2018, leading to sea level rise that contributes to coastal flooding during storms Source:…

Sea Levels Will Rise For Centuries Even If Greenhouse Gas Emissions Goals Are Me

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Weather Channel: Sea levels will continue to rise for the next three centuries even if governments meet carbon emissions pledges for 2030 set in the Paris climate agreement, a new study indicates. Greenhouse gas emissions from 2016 to 2030 alone would cause sea levels to increase nearly 8 inches (20 cm) by 2300,…

Sea Levels Will Rise For Centuries Even If Greenhouse Gas Emissions Goals Are Met

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Weather Channel: Sea levels will continue to rise for the next three centuries even if governments meet carbon emissions pledges for 2030 set in the Paris climate agreement, a new study indicates. Greenhouse gas emissions from 2016 to 2030 alone would cause sea levels to increase nearly 8 inches (20 cm) by 2300,…

Ice cliffs in Antarctica might not contribute to extreme sea-level rise in this century

A 2016 study suggested tall ice cliffs along Antarctica’s coast might collapse rapidly under their own weight and contribute to more than 6 feet of sea-level rise by 2100. Now, MIT researchers have found this prediction may be overestimated. Source:…

New cracks in Pine Island Glacier are getting longer

The new rifts appeared soon after last year’s major calving of iceberg B46, which is about 3 times the size of New York’s Manhattan island. Satellite monitoring suggests a new iceberg of similar proportions will soon be calved. Source:…

What climate change in the Arctic means for the rest of us

Air temperatures in the Arctic are increasing at least twice as fast as the global average. What worries climate scientists about the Arctic summer of 2019? And why does it matter for the rest of the world? Source:…

IPCC report: Sea levels could be a metre higher by 2100

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concludes that a sea level rise of a metre or more by 2100 is likely in a worst-case scenario Source:…

A New Idea For Fighting Rising Sea Levels: Iceberg-Making Submarines

To address the affects of global warming, a team of designers “propose building ice-making submarines that would ply polar waters and pop out icebergs to replace melting floes,” reports NBC News: “Sea level rise due to melting ice should not only be responded [to] with defensive solutions,” the designers of the submersible iceberg factory said in an animated video describing the…