Huge iceberg A-68A nears South Georgia Island

Scientists watch as A-68A, currently the planet’s largest iceberg, approaches a remote island in the southern Atlantic Ocean. Source:…

Ending Greenhouse Gas Emissions May Not Stop Global Warming, Study Says

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Phys.Org : Even if humanity stopped emitting greenhouse gases tomorrow, Earth will warm for centuries to come and oceans will rise by meters, according to a controversial modeling study published Thursday. Natural drivers of global warming — more heat-trapping clouds, thawing permafrost, and shrinking sea ice — already set in motion by carbon pollution…

Rivers of air in the sky are melting huge patches of Antarctic sea ice

Rivers of warm air transported across the atmosphere have been found to play a major role in the appearance of vast areas of open water in Antarctic sea ice Source:…

Why Arctic sea ice has stalled, and what it means for the rest of the world

In the next few decades, scientists expect we’ll see an ice-free Arctic Ocean throughout the summer. That prospect got much closer in 2020, due in part to the exceptional summer heatwave that roiled the Russian Arctic. Source:…

Arctic sea ice loss could trigger huge levels of extra global warming

Arctic sea ice vanishing in summers by 2050 could trigger 0.19°C of extra global warming – almost enough to wipe out any savings from China going carbon neutral Source:…

The Arctic hasn’t been this warm for 3 million years

The last time CO2 concentrations reached today’s level was 3 million years ago, during the Pliocene Epoch. Hear from geoscientists who see evolving conditions in the Arctic as an indicator of how climate change could transform the planet. Source:…

Tiny algae can photosynthesise and grow in the dark beneath Arctic ice

Microscopic marine algae can use even the smallest amount of reflected light to grow in near darkness during winter under the Arctic sea ice Source:…

2020 Arctic sea ice minimum 2nd lowest on record

On September 15, 2020, Arctic sea ice reached its annual minimum extent, the 2nd-lowest on record. The Arctic region in general is warming 3 times faster than the rest of the planet. Source:…

Earth’s glaciers and ice sheets are melting

Several new studies released in recent weeks paint a dire picture of the ongoing melting of Earth’s freshwater ice sheets and glaciers, 99% of which are found in Greenland and Antarctica. Source:…