TV Watching and Online Streaming Surge During Lockdown

Lockdown measures enforced due to the Covid-19 pandemic brought about a surge in TV watching and online streaming, according to media watchdog Ofcom. From a report: Its annual study into UK media habits suggested adults — many stuck indoors — spent 40% of their waking hours in front of a screen, on average. Time spent on subscription streaming services also doubled…

Ask Slashdot: At What Age Should Toddlers Get Screen Time?

Slashdot reader ne0phyte73 writes: I got my first computer (a Commodore 64) when I was 13. My daughter got hers (One Laptop Per Child) when she was 5. What are the current trends? I see new AI-powered edutainment products coming to the market, targeted at toddlers. Would you give something like this to your 18 months old? (Kidshealth claims that there…

Apple’s and Microsoft’s 2019 Holiday Ads: Naughty Or Nice?

Long-time Slashdot reader theodp writes: In Apple’s 2019 holiday ad The Surprise (YouTube, 11.8M views), the reveal at the end is that two young girls thought to have been frittering away time on their iPads have been making an unforgettable, heartwarming tribute to their recently passed grandmother that brings tears to their grandpa’s eyes. “This is a master class in comfy…

Screen Time Might Be Physically Changing Kids’ Brains

An anonymous reader quotes a report from MIT Technology Review: A study published today in JAMA Pediatrics warns that kids’ literacy and language skills suffer with screen use, and MRI scans of their brains appear to back up the findings. Forty-seven 3- to 5-year-olds took a test to measure their cognitive abilities, and their parents were asked to answer a detailed…

Teenagers Are Easily Bypassing Apple’s Parental Controls

“Kids are outsmarting an army of engineers from Cupertino, California,” reports the Washington Post: And Apple, which introduced “Screen Time” a year ago in response to pressure to address phone overuse by kids, has been slow to make fixes to its software that would close these loopholes. It’s causing some parents to raise questions about Apple’s commitment to safeguarding children from…

Screen time: How smartphones really affect our bodies and brains

If you believe the headlines, screens are supposed to warp our skeletons, damage our mental health and alienate us from our families. But the evidence paints a more nuanced picture Source:…

Brain Research On Boys’ Preference For Video Games and Girls’ For Social Media

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Wall Street Journal: Many parents of both boys and girls have witnessed striking differences in the way their kids use technology, with their sons generally gravitating to video games and their daughters often spending more of their screen time scrolling through social media. Emerging research indicates that brain differences between males and females…