Dounreay Nuclear Power Site Available For Reuse In the Year 2333

The site of a Scottish nuclear power facility should be available for other uses in 313 years’ time, according to a new report. The BBC reports: Dounreay, near Thurso, was the UK site for the development of fast reactor research from 1955 to 1994. The facility on the north Caithness coast is in the process of being closed down, demolished and…

Birds nest inside the Loch Ness Monster’s head

The lack of visitors to the iconic Scottish loch during lockdown has made it possible for nature to take over. At this time of the year, Loch Ness is … Source:…

Mystery big cats reported across Scotland

Recent accounts have indicated that the Loch Ness Monster is not the only thing lurking in the Scottish wilds. Stories of panthers and other large cat… Source:…

Can Nuclear Fallout Make It Rain?

sciencehabit writes:
Radioactive fallout is rarely a good thing. But new research suggests charged particles emitted from Cold War-era nuclear tests may have boosted rainfall thousands of kilometers away from the testing sites, by triggering electrical charges in the air that caused water droplets to coalesce. The United States, Soviet Union, and other nations often tested nuclear weapons above ground in the…