Mars InSight lander to push on top of the ‘mole’

After nearly a year of trying to dig into the Martian surface, the heat probe belonging to NASA’s InSight lander is about to get a push. The mission team plans to command the scoop on InSight’s robotic arm to press down on the “mole,” the mini pile driver designed to hammer itself as much as 16 feet (5 meters) down. They…

Crows Could Be the Smartest Animal Other Than Primates

In a piece for the BBC, Chris Baraniuk writes about how the intelligence of New Caledonian crows may be far more advanced than we ever thought possible. An anonymous reader shares an excerpt from the report: Intelligence is rooted in the brain. Clever primates — including humans — have a particular structure in their brains called the neocortex. It is thought…

Did ancient Earth life escape our solar system?

You’ve heard of panspermia, the idea that life exists throughout space and was carried to Earth by comets? What if the reverse occurred, with microbes on Earth ejected into space by asteroid impacts, escaping into the solar system billions of years ago? Source:…

The Scoop on Slime — Hyenas Squeeze It from Their Butts and Parrotfish Sleep in Snot Balloons

Gooey, sticky slime isn’t just gross; it’s crucial for the survival of a wide variety of animals and plants, many of which are featured in the new book “Believe It or Snot.” Source:

Two College Students Nearly Grabbed Donald Trump’s Tax Returns Online

“This was a Wayne’s World scene gone awry…” says an attorney for 23-year-old Andrew Harris. “They were Wayne and Garth in a blue Pacer with a dumb idea and a mixed run of luck,” he told the Philadelphia Inquirer: Harris previously had filed an application for federal student aid, and noticed that the government form would redirect to the IRS and…

Vermicomposting | Fertilize With Worm Castings

Vermicomposting is worming its way onto farms everywhere. Here’s why you should fertilize with worm castings, and how to grow your own worm composting unit. Vermicomposting For The Homestead I’m always looking for new ways on the farm to reuse, recycle and repurpose, and there’s nothing I love more than an opportunity to reduce the…Continue Reading
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Growing Food From Scraps

Did you know that 1/3 of all the food globally is wasted? Yes, it is! 1.3 billion tons gets lost or wasted or not consumed. And only a small percentage of that waste can be diverted for composting. Compost will help lessen these waste but did you know that there is a better way to save food?…Continue Reading
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A new species of duck-billed dinosaur

Duck-billed dinosaurs – hadrosaurids – were common 80 million years ago. Now scientists have discovered a complete skull of a previously unknown species of hadrosaurid, which sported unusual skull and face features. Source:…