Ancient Teeth May Possibly Be From A Mysterious Human Relative

Four teeth that were found in a cave in the Tongzi county of southern China don’t fit into the evolutionary family tree of humans. The teeth that are approximately 200,000-years-old were found on the Yanhui cave floor in 1972 and 1983. While they were originally labelled as belonging to Homo erectus, further testing indicated that… Continue reading Ancient Teeth May Possibly Be From A Mysterious Human Relative

Romanian Inventor Demonstrates Real Flying Saucer

The next flying saucer you see may not be a UFO – it could be an ADFIO, especially if you’re currently living in Romania. That’s where an inventor has created a real flying disc with all of the capabilities you would expect in a flying saucer … except for the aliens. He’s built a prototype,… Continue reading Romanian Inventor Demonstrates Real Flying Saucer

The Rh Negative Blood Controversy

Over the years a number of books and articles have been written linking the UFO phenomenon to people who have Rh negative blood. Here’s a link to one such example, and here’s another. It was not until the dawning of the twentieth century that the first, initial steps were taken to fully understanding the precise… Continue reading The Rh Negative Blood Controversy

Why The Giant Animals of Madagascar Disappeared Just 1,000 Years Ago

Madagascar is the fourth-largest island in the world. Like other long-isolated land masses, it developed plants and animals that were slightly to far different than those on the continents. In Madagascar’s case, many of the animals grew to giant versions of their land cousins. Most of the other isolated islands lost their unique species tens… Continue reading Why The Giant Animals of Madagascar Disappeared Just 1,000 Years Ago

Two Doctors Say They’re Ready to Perform Head Transplants

“The first heart transplant, hand transplant, facial transplant: all were met with serious reservations. There are also regulatory concerns. China does not have the same ethical standards and requirements that the United States and Europe have.” Any guesses where this story originates from? The South China Morning Post reports that this observation by Howard University… Continue reading Two Doctors Say They’re Ready to Perform Head Transplants

Overlords Alert! AI Robots are Reproducing, Evolving and Getting Religion

Welcoming our new overlords of any kind is becoming more than just a funny meme … it may be a warning that their arrival could be happening faster than we can perceive, comprehend … or stop. That seems to be the case if the overlords are artificially intelligent robots as the tech news media this… Continue reading Overlords Alert! AI Robots are Reproducing, Evolving and Getting Religion

Loch Ness Woman Mysteriously Cannot Feel Monstrous Pain

“I had no idea until a few years ago that there was anything that unusual about how little pain I feel – I just thought it was normal. Learning about it now fascinates me as much as it does anyone else.” When 71-year-old Jo Cameron, who lives near the shore of Scotland’s Loch Ness, says… Continue reading Loch Ness Woman Mysteriously Cannot Feel Monstrous Pain

Mysterious “Bermuda Triangle of Britain” is Killing Motor Vehicles

This story sounds familiar … and not because of the “Bermuda “Triangle” comparison. A car park in England is being called “The Bermuda Triangle of Britain” after dozens of motorists found their electronic key fobs no longer worked and they were locked out of their vehicles. The car park is a rectangle, not a triangle,… Continue reading Mysterious “Bermuda Triangle of Britain” is Killing Motor Vehicles

Gene Edited Tequila Bacteria Produces THC and CBD Instead of Alcohol

With every new, paradigm-shifting technology there’s bound to be a few hard-to-predict effects. Usually when you think of gene editing, visions of mad scientists and scenes from Gattaca flash through your mind (well, for me at least). There’s at least one use for gene editing that doesn’t lead to a sci-fi dystopia. Or maybe it… Continue reading Gene Edited Tequila Bacteria Produces THC and CBD Instead of Alcohol

A Mutant Laboratory Animal is on the Loose in Michigan

The University of Michigan has some good news and some bad news. First, the bad: a genetically mutated laboratory animal is on the loose in Michigan, and its creators have no idea where it could be. The good news? It’s just a rabbit. What could go wrong? That depends on the nature and severity of… Continue reading A Mutant Laboratory Animal is on the Loose in Michigan