Amazon Wants To Scan Your Body To Make Perfectly Fitting Shirts

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Fast Company: For just $25, Amazon wants to make you a custom T-shirt. And a virtual body double. This week, the company unveiled a brand called “Made for You” that creates made-to-measure clothes. The initial product, a T-shirt, can be personalized to your taste and measurements, and more products are coming. This is Amazon’s…

Amazon’s Latest Gimmicks Are Pushing the Limits of Privacy

At the end of September, Amazon debuted two especially futuristic products within five days of each other: a small autonomous surveillance drone, called Ring Always Home Cam, and a palm recognition scanner, called Amazon One. “Both products aim to make security and authentication more convenient — but for privacy-conscious consumers, they also raise red flags,” reports Wired. From the report: Amazon’s…

London Installed AI Cameras To Monitor Social Distancing, Lockdown Restrictions

schwit1 shares a report from The Evening Standard: Artificial Intelligence cameras are being used in London and other cities in the UK to monitor social distancing. The sensors were initially developed by Vivacity to track the flow of traffic, cyclists and pedestrians and monitor how roads are being used. But when the country went into lockdown in March, Vivacity added on…

Mozilla Suspends Firefox Send Service While It Addresses Malware Abuse

An anonymous reader writes: Mozilla has temporarily suspended the Firefox Send file-sharing service as the organization investigates reports of abuse from malware operators and while it adds a “Report abuse” button. The browser maker took down the service today after ZDNet reached out to inquire about Firefox Send’s increasing prevalence in current malware operations. Since last year, several malware operations have…

How brain scanners can help us revolutionise psychiatric drugs

Most psychiatric drugs were developed before brain scans existed. Now neuroscientist Mitul Mehta is using scans of people under the influence of drugs or hypnosis to help develop better treatments Source:…

Exclusive: Brain scans used to read minds of intensive care patients

People with severe brain injuries can be unable to communicate. Now brain scanners are being used to see if some can tell doctors what kind of care they want Source:…

Would Star Trek’s Transporters Kill and Replace You?

schwit1 quotes Syfy Wire:
There is, admittedly, some ambiguity about precisely how Trek’s transporters work. The events of some episodes subtly contradict events in others. The closest thing to an official word we have is the Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual, which states that when a person enters a transporter, they are scanned by molecular imaging scanners that convert a…

New Amazon Scanner Can Identify Shoppers By The Veins In Their Hand

An anonymous reader quotes USA Today: What if you could pay for your groceries using your veins? Amazon filed a patent for technology that could identify you by scanning the wrinkles in the palm of your hand and by using a light to see beneath your skin to your blood vessels. The resulting images could be used to identify you as…

More than 38,000 People Will Stand in Line this Week To Get a New Password

A non-standard and somewhat weird password reset operation is currently underway at a German university, where more than 38,000 students and staff were asked this week to stand in line with their ID card and a piece of paper to receive new passwords for their email accounts. From a report: All of this is going on at the Justus Liebig University…

DHS Wants Airport Face Recognition Scans To Include US Citizens

The Department of Homeland Security wants to expand facial recognition scans in the airport to also include citizens, which had previously been exempt from the mandatory checks. TechCrunch reports: In a filing, the department has proposed that all travelers, and not just foreign nationals or visitors, will have to complete a facial recognition check before they are allowed to enter the…