Popular LA Restaurant Closes After High-Tech ‘Dine and Dash’ Scheme

quonset writes: “The Korean Fusion Cafe ‘Spoon by H’ had the ingredients to become an L.A. success story but is the epitome of a small business, with owner and chef Yoonjin Hwang working 15-hour days to run the restaurant with her mother and brother,” reports CBS News. “‘We have no staff. We have no cooks. I have to do everything by…

Has Section 230 Created a ‘Vast Web of Vengeance’?

Slashdot reader GatorSnake shares “Another take of the implications of Section 230… One person poisoned the online personas of multiple people who had ‘wronged’ her, with it being nearly impossible to have the false accusations removed from the sites or from Google’s search results.” The New York Times reports:
Mr. Babcock, a software engineer, got off the phone and Googled himself. The…

Trump’s Campaign Website Hacked By Cryptocurrency Scammers

President Trump’s campaign website was briefly and partially hacked Tuesday afternoon as unknown adversaries took over the “About” page and replaced it with what appeared to be a scam to collect cryptocurrency. TechCrunch reports: There is no indication, despite the hackers’ claims, that “full access to trump and relatives” was achieved or “most internal and secret conversations strictly classified information” were…

Facebook and Google Serve As Vectors For Misinformation While Hobbling Local Journalism and Collecting Taxpayer Subsidies, Group Says

An anonymous reader quotes a report from Axios: Facebook and Google are hollowing out local communities by serving as vectors for misinformation while hobbling local journalism and collecting taxpayer subsidies, a new paper from progressive think tank the American Economic Liberties Project charges. Both companies cite benefits their platforms offer small businesses as a key defense against critiques of their size…

Firefox Gets Fix For Evil Cursor Attack

Firefox has fixed a bug that was being exploited in the wild by tech support scammers to create artificial mouse cursors and prevent users from easily leaving malicious sites. From a report: The bug was discovered being abused online by UK cyber-security firm Sophos and reported to Mozilla earlier this year. A bugfix was provided and has been live in Firefox…

Apple Being Sued For Refusing To Help iTunes Gift Card Scam Victims

“Apple is being sued for allegedly refusing to help those who have fallen victim to a iTunes gift card scam,” reports 9to5Mac, in an article shared by Slashdot reader AmiMoJo:
An 11-count class action lawsuit has been filed against the company. Apple is accused of lying when it says that there is no way to trace or refund the value of the…

Steve Wozniak Sues YouTube Over Twitter-Like Bitcoin Scam

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak says YouTube has for months allowed scammers to use his name and likeness as part of a phony bitcoin giveaway similar to the one that was quickly extinguished by Twitter last week. Scammers used images and video of Wozniak, who left Apple in 1985, to convince YouTube users that he was hosting a live giveaway and anyone…

Several High Profile Twitter Accounts Including Those of Bill Gates and Elon Musk Have Been Hijacked To Tweet Bitcoin Scams

Security researcher Marcus Hutchins reports: A bunch of high profile cryptocurrency Twitter accounts have been hijacked to tweet bitcoin scams. Likely a 3rd party App compromise rather that Twitter itself. People / organizations whose accounts appear to have been hijacked include Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Binance, Apple, Cash app, and Ripple. Cameron Winklevoss, co-founder of cryptocurrency market Gemini, offered an explanation…

Google’s reCAPTCHA Is Being Used To Hide Phishing Pages

An anonymous reader quotes Infosecurity magazine:
New research from Barracuda Networks has revealed that cyber-criminals are increasingly using official reCAPTCHA walls to disguise malicious content from email security systems and trick unsuspecting users… [S]ophisticated scammers are beginning to use the Google-owned service to prevent automated URL analysis systems from accessing the actual content of phishing pages, and to make phishing sites more…

Ripple Sues YouTube Over Cryptocurrency Scam Videos

Blockchain firm Ripple sued YouTube on Tuesday, alleging the video-sharing platform failed to protect consumers from cryptocurrency “giveaway” scams that use fake social media profiles to dupe victims into sending money. Reuters reports: The company says scammers on YouTube have been impersonating Ripple and its chief executive, Brad Garlinghouse, to bait viewers into sending them thousands of dollars worth of XRP,…