US Says Saudi Prince Approved Journalist Khashoggi Killing

A US intelligence report has found that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman approved the murder of exiled journalist Jamal Khashoggi in 2018. BBC: The declassified report released by the Biden administration says the prince approved a plan to either capture or kill the US-based Saudi exile. It is the first time America has publicly named the crown prince, who denies…

71-Year-Old Slashdot Reader Describes His ‘Moderate’ Case of Covid

71-year-old Hugh Pickens (Slashdot reader #49,171) is a physicist who explored for oil in the Amazon jungle, commissioned microwave communications systems in Saudi Arabia, and built satellite control stations for Goddard Space Flight Center around the world including Australia, Antarctica, and Guam. After retiring in 1999, he wrote over 1,400 Slashdot posts, and in the site’s 23-year history still remains one…

Google Plans Fiber-Optic Network To Connect Via Saudi Arabia and Israel for First Time

Google is laying the groundwork for a fiber-optic network that for the first time will connect through historical enemies Saudi Arabia and Israel while opening a new corridor for global internet traffic, according to people familiar with the plans. From a report: The project linking India to Europe is Google’s latest globe-crossing internet construction effort. The Alphabet subsidiary is vying with…

Are We Headed For 200 Separate Nationally-Controlled Internets?

Roger Cochetti directed internet public policy for IBM from 1994 through 2000 and later served as Senior Vice-President & Chief Policy Officer for VeriSign and Group Policy Director for CompTIA. This week he warned about signs “that the once open, global internet is slowly being replaced by 200, nationally-controlled, separate internets.” And, while these separate American, Chinese, Russian, Australian, European, British,…

Prehistoric desert footprints are earliest evidence for humans on Arabian Peninsula

Scientists have discovered human footprints embedded on an ancient lake surface in the Nefud Desert in Saudi Arabia that are around 120,000 years old. Source:

Massive stone structures in Saudi Arabia may be some of oldest monuments in the world

Mysterious stone structures that dot lava fields and deserts across Saudi Arabia may be some of the oldest monuments in the world, scientists say. Source:

Spies in Silicon Valley: Twitter Breach Tied To Saudi Dissident Arrests

An internal breach at Twitter a half decade ago yielded data that was later used by Saudi Arabia to harass or arrest people critical of the government, according to lawsuits, human rights groups and the relative of a person apprehended in 2018. From a report: In 2015, two Twitter employees allegedly accessed more than 6,000 accounts while acting as spies for…

Russia Claims To Have Registered World’s First COVID-19 Vaccine

New submitter Hmmmmmm shares a report from CNBC: Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the registration of what Russia claims to be the first vaccine for the coronavirus in the world and said one of his daughters had already taken it. “Although I know that it works quite effectively, it forms a stable immunity and, I repeat, has passed all the necessary…

Translation From VC-Backed PR Jargon To English of Magic Leap CEO Rony Abovitz’s Statement That He’s ‘Stepping Down’

From a company-wide memo sent by Rony Abovitz, the founder of Magic Leap, which has raised nearly $3 billion from high-profile investors including Andreessen Horowitz, Google, AT&T, NTT DoCoMo, Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia, JP Morgan, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers: As we’ve shared over the last several weeks, in order to set Magic Leap on a course for success,…

WhatsApp: Israeli Firm ‘Deeply Involved’ In Hacking Our Users

WhatsApp has alleged in new court filings that an Israeli spyware company used US-based servers and was “deeply involved” in carrying out mobile phone hacks of 1,400 WhatsApp users, including senior government officials, journalists, and human rights activists. The Guardian reports: The new claims about NSO Group allege that the Israeli company bears responsibility in serious human rights violations, including the…