Huawei CEO Offers To License 5G Tech To American Companies In Peace Offer To Trump

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the BBC: Huawei’s chief executive has proposed selling its current 5G know-how to a Western firm as a way to address security concerns voiced by the U.S. and others about its business. Ren Zhengfei said the buyer would be free to “change the software code.” That would allow any flaws or supposed backdoors to…

North Korea Took $2 Billion in Cyberattacks To Fund Weapons Program

An anonymous reader shares a report: North Korea has generated an estimated $2 billion for its weapons of mass destruction programs using “widespread and increasingly sophisticated” cyberattacks to steal from banks and cryptocurrency exchanges, according to a confidential U.N. report seen by Reuters on Monday. Pyongyang also “continued to enhance its nuclear and missile programmes although it did not conduct a…

China Warns India of ‘Reverse Sanctions’ if Huawei is Blocked

China has told India not to block its Huawei from doing business in the country, warning there could be consequences for Indian firms operating in China, Reuters reported on Tuesday, citing sources with knowledge of the matter said. From a report: India is due to hold trials for installing a next-generation 5G cellular network in the next few months, but has…

GitHub Starts Blocking Developers In Countries Facing US Trade Sanctions

After a developer based in the Crimea region of Ukraine was blocked from GitHub this week, the Microsoft-owned software development platform said it has started restricting accounts in countries facing U.S. trade sanctions. GitHub lists Crimea, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Syris as countries facing U.S. sanctions. ZDNet reports: As the developer reports, his website, which is hosted on GitHub,…

John McAfee Hides in Cuba, Touts Cryptocurrency For Evading US Government’s Sanctions

“On the run from U.S. tax authorities, tech guru John McAfee puffs a cigar aboard his towering white yacht in a Havana harbor,” reports Reuters, “and says he can help Cuba evade the U.S. government too — by launching a cryptocurrency that defeats a U.S. trade embargo.” Long-time Slashdot reader Aighearach shared their report: McAfee in an interview touted the anonymity…