Credit Card Numbers For Millions of Hotel Guests Exposed By Misconfigured Cloud Database

“A widely used hotel reservation platform has exposed 10 million files related to guests at various hotels around the world, thanks to a misconfigured Amazon Web Services S3 bucket,” reports Threatpost. “The records include sensitive data, including credit-card details.” Prestige Software’s “Cloud Hospitality” is used by hotels to integrate their reservation systems with online booking websites like Expedia and The…

App Developers Left 540 Million Facebook Users’ Records on the Public Internet

For your regular reminder that developers across the world sometimes have real trouble putting any sort of protection on their databases, third party apps left Facebook user data exposed to the open internet, according to cybersecurity firm UpGuard. Bloomberg was first to report the news. The data exposures do not come from Facebook itself, but… Continue reading App Developers Left 540 Million Facebook Users’ Records on the Public Internet