Credit Card Numbers For Millions of Hotel Guests Exposed By Misconfigured Cloud Database

“A widely used hotel reservation platform has exposed 10 million files related to guests at various hotels around the world, thanks to a misconfigured Amazon Web Services S3 bucket,” reports Threatpost. “The records include sensitive data, including credit-card details.” Prestige Software’s “Cloud Hospitality” is used by hotels to integrate their reservation systems with online booking websites like Expedia and The…

Seagate Unveils CORTX Object Storage Software with Lyve Drive Rack Hardware Reference Design

New submitter kyubre writes: Seagate has unveiled CORTX, an open-source S3-compatible object storage software, today at their Datasphere virtual event. The source for this software-defined-storage (SDS) platform is hosted on Github. Seagate has also organized a group of open source researchers and developers in this space under the ‘CORTX Community’ moniker. As part of the Github repository, Seagate is providing a…

New Toyotas Will Upload Data To AWS To Help Create Custom Insurance Premiums Based On Driver Behavior

KindMind shares a report from The Register: Toyota has expanded its collaboration with Amazon Web Services in ways that will see many of its models upload performance data into the Amazonian cloud to expand the services the auto-maker offers to drivers and fleet owners. […] Toyota reckons the data could turn into “new contextual services such as car share, rideshare, full-service…

Tesla Joins 4-Digit Club, Share Price Cracks $1,000

Tesla has become the world’s most valuable automaker — surpassing Toyota — as its stock pushes to a new high at $1,000 a share. Slashdot reader 140Mandak262Jamuna writes: Tesla is in a tear lately, after better than expected sales report from China. Elon Musk himself tweeted, during the trading session too, that it was overvalued at $760. The speculation seems to…

Rust Enters ‘Top 20’ Popularity Rankings For the First Time

Programming language Rust has entered the top 20 of the Tiobe popularity index for the first time, but it’s still five spots behind systems programming rival Go. ZDNet reports: There’s growing interest in the use of memory-safe Rust for systems programming to build major platforms, in particular at Microsoft, which is exploring it for Windows and Azure with the goal of…

Samsung’s S-Voice Is Shutting Down On June 1st

Samsung is reportedly shutting off the servers for its S-Voice voice assistant on June 1, 2020, “at which point Samsung’s original voice assistant will stop attempting to respond to your voice queries,” reports Ars Technica. From the report: S-Voice arose in the early days of voice assistants, when Android OEMs were scrambling to photocopy Apple’s Siri voice assistant, which launched in…