Modern RAM Used For Computers, Smartphones Still Vulnerable To Rowhammer Attacks

An anonymous reader writes: According to new research published this week, modern RAM cards are still vulnerable to Rowhammer attacks despite extensive mitigations that have been deployed by manufacturers over the past six years. These mitigations, collectively referred to as Target Row Refresh (TRR), are a combination of software and hardware fixes that have been slowly added to the design of…

‘RAMBleed’ Rowhammer Attack Can Now Steal Data, Not Just Alter It

A team of academics from the US, Austria, and Australia, has published new research today detailing yet another variation of the Rowhammer attack. From a report: The novelty in this new Rowhammer variety — which the research team has named RAMBleed — is that it can be used to steal information from a targeted device, as opposed to altering existing data…