Netflix Loses Bid To Dismiss $25 Million Lawsuit Over ‘Black Mirror: Bandersnatch’

On Tuesday, Netflix lost a bid to escape a lawsuit brought by the trademark owner of “Choose Your Own Adventure” over the 2018 immersive film Black Mirror: Bandersnatch. The series’ original publisher, Chooseco, sued the company early last year for $25 million in damages, as the company says that Netflix’s new movie benefits from association with the Choose Your Own Adventure…

America Considers Declassifying Military Information on US, Chinese, and Russian Space Programs

Long-time Slashdot reader SonicSpike quotes Defense News: The U.S. Air Force’s top civilian and a key member of Congress agreed Saturday on the need to declassify a large amount of information about America’s military space programs to both intimidate foes and encourage support among the public. “Declassifying some of what is currently held in secure vaults would be a good idea,”…

Bizarre Tully Monster fossil is still a mystery

Was the Tully Monster – which left behind one of the strangest fossils ever discovered – a vertebrate or an invertebrate? The mystery continues. Source:…

Brian Kantor, Internet and AMPRNet Pioneer, WB6CYT, SK, Dies

Jeff Archambeault (Slashdot reader #41,488) writes: Amateur Radio and computing worlds mourn the death of another pioneer. From Phil Karn, KA9Q on the the 44Net mailing list: I have very sad news. My good friend, Brian Kantor, WB6CYT suddenly passed away this week at his home in San Diego, California. Brian retired only two years ago after 47 years of service…

Federal Court Approves First ‘Pirate’ Site Blockade In Canada

A group of major broadcasters and telco giants, including Rogers and Bell, have obtained the first Canadian pirate site blocking order. TorrentFreak reports: Last year, a coalition of copyright holders and major players in the telco industry asked the Canadian Government to institute a national pirate site blocking scheme. The Fairplay coalition argued that such measures would be required to effectively…

DNA Databases Are a National Security Leak Waiting To Happen

schwit1 writes: A private DNA ancestry database that’s been used by police to catch criminals is a security risk from which a nation-state could steal DNA data on a million Americans, according to security researchers. Security flaws in the service, called GEDmatch, not only risk exposing people’s genetic health information but could let an adversary such as China or Russia create…

Live: UK’s first space rover, Tim Peake and the real life rocket man

We’ll be live streaming several talks from New Scientist Live including British astronaut Tim Peake’s question and answer session, the full announcement of SpaceBit’s plans for the first British lunar rover and the real life rocket man Sam Rogers Source:…

Real-life Iron Man on what it’s like to fly a Jet Suit

A childhood spent building rockets helped Sam Rogers become the person who flies in a gas-turbine-powered Jet Suit Source:…

Today in science: Sally Ride in space

She was the 1st American woman in space, eventually flying on 2 Space Shuttle missions. She played a key role in the investigation of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. And she inspired people. Source:…