The Preserve review: The inner struggle to survive in a robot world

How do humans feel living in a world where robots outperform them, asks The Preserve by Ariel S. Winter. Clare Wilson says it’s a great thought experiment Source:…

This Robot Can Rap

What if your digital assistant could battle rap? That may sound far-fetched, but Gil Weinberg, a music technologist at the Georgia Institute of Technology, has adapted a musical robot called Shimon to compose lyrics and perform in real time. From a report: That means it can engage in rap “conversations” with humans, and maybe even help them compose their own lyrics….

China’s space ambitions: robot on Mars, a human on the moon

China’s landing of its third probe on the moon is part of an increasingly ambitious space program that has a robot rover en route to Mars, is developing a reusable space plane and is planning to put humans back on the lunar surface. Source:…

China Launches Ambitious Mission To Land On Moon and Return Samples To Earth

BeerFartMoron shares a report from CBS News: China launched its most ambitious moon mission yet Monday: a robotic spacecraft expected to land on the lunar surface by the end of the week. The spacecraft is expected to collect about four pounds of rock and soil samples, and return them to Earth next month for laboratory analysis. If successful, the Chang’e 5…

US Air Force base is guarded by robotic dogs

Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida is replacing human guard patrols with a new type of four-legged robot. Situated 12 miles east of Panama City, the ba… Source:…

US Navy’s huge uncrewed robot ship has journeyed through Panama Canal

An uncrewed vessel that can carry 540 tonnes of cargo and cruise at 65 kilometres per hour has just become the first robotic vessel to pass through the Panama Canal Source:…

Hyundai Reportedly In Talks To Buy Softbank-Owned Boston Dynamics

An anonymous reader quotes a report from TechCrunch: SoftBank Group Corp. is in talks to sell robot maker Boston Dynamics to Hyundai, people familiar with the matter said. Proposed terms of the deal would give the South Korean automaker control of the robotics company in a transaction valued at as much as $1 billion, said one of the people, all of…

As UK Military Begins Mass Coronavirus Testing, Head of Armed Forces Ponders Robot Soldiers

Remembrance Sunday is the day of commemoration for British and Commonwealth servicemen, and the head of the British Armed Forces marked the occasion with a special interview on Sky News. And he shared a thoughtful answer when asked whether the army might try to recruit fewer soldiers. “[W]hat I’m hinting at is that we need to be thinking about how we…