Spacecraft carrying Russia’s first humanoid robot docks at ISS

It was second time lucky on Tuesday as an unmanned spacecraft carrying Russia’s first humanoid robot into orbit docked at the International Space Station following a failed attempt over the weekend. Source:…

Russian humanoid robot boards space station after delay

It was second time lucky on Tuesday as an unmanned spacecraft carrying Russia’s first humanoid robot docked at the International Space Station following a failed attempt over the weekend. Source:…

Docking aborted for Russia’s first humanoid robot in space

An unmanned spacecraft carrying Russia’s first humanoid robot to be sent into orbit failed to dock at the International Space Station on Saturday, in a new setback for Moscow. Source:…

Amazon, Microsoft Are ‘Putting World At Risk of Killer AI,’ Says Study

oxide7 shares a report from International Business Times: Amazon, Microsoft and Intel are among leading tech companies putting the world at risk through killer robot development, according to a report that surveyed major players from the sector about their stance on lethal autonomous weapons. Dutch NGO Pax ranked 50 companies by three criteria: whether they were developing technology that could be…

Russia sends ‘Fedor’ its first humanoid robot into space

Russia on Thursday launched an unmanned rocket carrying a life-size humanoid robot that will spend 10 days learning to assist astronauts on the International Space Station. Source:…

Russia sends its first humanoid robot Fedor into space

Russia on Thursday launched an unmanned rocket carrying a life-size humanoid robot that will spend 10 days learning to assist astronauts on the International Space Station. Source:…

YouTube Removes Videos of Robots Fighting For ‘Animal Cruelty’

YouTuber and robot enthusiast Anthony Murney noticed YouTube has removed hundreds of videos showing robots battling other robots after claiming they are in breach of its rules surrounding animal cruelty. He’s blaming a new algorithm introduced by YouTube to detect instances of animal abuse. The Independent reports: Several other channels dedicated to robot combat have also produced videos pointing out the…

XKCD Author Challenges Serena Williams To Attack A Drone

In just 16 days XKCD author Randall Munroe releases a new book titled How To: Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems. He’s just released an excerpt from the chapter “How to Catch a Drone,” in which he actually enlisted the assistance of tennis star Serena Williams. An anonymous reader writes:
Serena and her husband Alexis just happened to have a DJI…

Chemist Lee Cronin is building an alien to work out why life exists

Lee Cronin is making a vast chemical robot – and an alien – to find out why life exists and if we can detect it on other worlds Source:…