The Next Hot Job: Pretending To Be a Robot

“As the promise of autonomous machines lags the underlying technology, the growing need for human robot-minders could juice the remote workforce,” reports The Wall Street Journal. An anonymous reader shares excerpts from the report: Across industries, engineers are building atop work done a generation ago by designers of military drones. Whether it’s terrestrial delivery robots, flying delivery drones, office-patrolling security robots,…

Police robot can be flung through windows and distract suspects

A police robot can be flung through windows or over fences. It will then be able to explore the location or set of a loud flash to distract suspects Source:…

‘The 2018 MacBook Pro Keyboard Drives Me Crazy’

Ryan Bigg: I recently upgraded from a 2015 MacBook Pro to a 2018 MacBook Pro. So I’ve been using this computer as a work computer for almost 3 months now and, my god, the keyboard drives me mental. Even writing this blog post now on the train and there’s: duplicated “o’s” that I’ve had to go back and fix, or missing…

On the Far Side of the Moon, China’s Rover Discovers a Strangely-Colored Gel-Like Substance

An anonymous reader quotes CNET: China’s Yutu-2 rover, launched as part of the Chang’e 4 mission, is the first-ever robot to explore the far side of the moon. Since landing in January, it’s snapped gorgeous views of the lunar surface and made one unexpected discovery. Now, it’s made another surprising find: an unusual substance with a “gel-like” appearance hidden inside a…

Should We Be Allowed To Kick Robots?

“Seen in the wild, robots often appear cute and nonthreatening. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be hostile,” argues a new article in Wired, reporting on what appears to be a pre-meditated kicking of a Knightscope K5 patrol robot in a parking lot in California: K5’s siblings, it turns out, don’t fare much better. In 2017 a drunk man attacked a K5…

Why We Should Teach Kids to Call the Robot ‘It’

As a new generation grows up surrounded by AI, researchers find education as early as preschool can help avoid confusion about robots’ role. From a report: Today’s small children, aka Generation Alpha, are the first to grow up with robots as peers. Those winsome talking devices spawned by a booming education-tech industry can speed children’s learning, but they also can be…

Robot pilot that can grab the flight controls gets its plane licence

A robot pilot is learning to fly. It has passed its pilot’s test and flown its first plane, but it has also had its first mishap too Source:…

Worm robot could wiggle its way through arteries in the brain

A tiny worm robot can be controlled by magnets to wiggle through arteries in a model brain. It could one day be used to make brain surgery less invasive Source:…

Russian Soyuz docks with ISS on 2nd attempt

After the Soyuz MS-14’s first automated approach to the ISS was aborted due to a malfunction, the spacecraft has now docked safely at the station’s Zvezda module. It carries supplies for the crew and a humanoid robot. Source:…

Spacecraft carrying Russian humanoid robot docks at ISS

An unmanned spacecraft carrying Russia’s first humanoid robot to be sent into orbit successfully docked at the International Space Station on Tuesday, following a failed attempt over the weekend, Moscow’s space agency said. Source:…