Does coronavirus linger in the body?

Some viruses can hide out in the body and reemerge at later times. Which viruses do this, and can the new coronavirus do this too? Source:…

Tesla to Make Molecule Printers for Gates-Backed Vaccine Developer

Tesla is building mobile molecule printers to produce a potential COVID-19 vaccine being developed in Germany by CureVac, reports Reuters: CureVac, an unlisted German company, has said it is developing portable, automated mRNA production units that it calls printers and which Musk described as “RNA microfactories”. They are being designed to be shipped to remote locations, where they can churn out…

First life on Earth may actually have been built from both RNA and DNA

Many biologists suspect the first life on Earth was based on RNA, but a new study suggests DNA could have been in the mix right from the start Source:…

Waste water tests could monitor 2 billion people for the coronavirus

We need to scale up testing efforts to tackle the coronavirus pandemic, and looking for signs of virus RNA in our sewage could provide a shortcut Source:…

How the Rapid FDA-Approved Coronavirus Testing System Works

Tekla Perry writes: In 2001, a rapid, easy-to-use, PCR-based testing system for biological testing was still in prototype form when letters containing anthrax spores started arriving in the mailboxes of journalists and senators. Its creators at startup Cepheid quickly adapted it to test for anthrax, and now it is used to run that test as part of U.S. mail sorting systems….

Why Are HIV Drugs Being Used To Treat the New Coronavirus?

Gizmodo’s Ed Cara explains why HIV drugs are being used to treat the new coronavirus. An anonymous reader shares the report: On Tuesday, the Japanese government announced it will begin clinical trials to test treatments for the deadly new coronavirus that’s engulfed China and spread to over two dozen countries. Rather than new drugs, they’ll be studying existing medications already used…

Were snakes the source of China’s coronavirus outbreak?

A report suggests that snakes – the Chinese krait and the Chinese cobra – might have been the original source of the coronavirus that’s triggered an outbreak of deadly infectious respiratory illnesses in China this year. Source:…

Your RNA May Have Come from Space, Meteor Study Suggests

Scientists have detected ribose and other bioessential sugars in ancient meteorite samples for the first time, suggesting that RNA may have come from space and played a crucial role in the origins of life on Earth. Source: