Is daylight time worth the trouble?

This is the weekend we “fall back” here in the U.S. Are you glad? Sad? Mad? Advocates say daylight time saves energy and wins wars. Studies show injuries and illnesses rise when clocks change. Source:…

Richard Stallman Defies Push By 27 GNU Project Developers To End His Leadership

“27 GNU project maintainers and developers have signed on to a joint statement asking for Richard Stallman to be removed from his leadership role at GNU,” writes Slashdot reader twocows. The statement argues that “Stallman’s behavior over the years has undermined a core value of the GNU project: The empowerment of all computer users. GNU is not fulfilling its mission when…

No-fly boys: new Russian space suit clashes with pee ritual

Russia on Thursday unveiled a new space suit for a future spaceship, but the design may have to be changed to continue a decades-old tradition: making a stop to pee on the way to the launch. Source:…

Traces of five drugs found on 1000-year-old South American ritual kit

Cocaine and components of ayahuasca were detected on an ancient pouch found in Bolivia, providing evidence of hallucinogen use in pre-Columbian times Source:…