Communities in East Anglia are deciding whether to abandon their towns

Rising sea levels mean that coastal communities in the UK are having to decide whether to defend their towns, and when they will need to abandon them altogether Source:…

The Planet Needs a New Internet

An anonymous reader shares a report: When climate change comes for our coffee and our wine, we’ll moan about it on Twitter, read about it on our favorite websites, and watch diverting videos on YouTube to fill the icy hole in our hearts. We’ll do all this until the websites go dark and the networks go down because eventually, climate change…

A New Idea For Fighting Rising Sea Levels: Iceberg-Making Submarines

To address the affects of global warming, a team of designers “propose building ice-making submarines that would ply polar waters and pop out icebergs to replace melting floes,” reports NBC News: “Sea level rise due to melting ice should not only be responded [to] with defensive solutions,” the designers of the submersible iceberg factory said in an animated video describing the…

How the 5 riskiest U.S. cities for coastal flooding are preparing for rising tides

The five U.S. cities most at risk of coastal flooding from rising sea levels are in various stages of preparedness. Source:…

Boaty McBoatface Makes Significant Climate Change Discovery on First Mission

The British research submarine Boaty McBoatface has made an impressive debut in the scientific arena, discovering a significant link between Antarctic winds and rising sea temperatures on its maiden outing. From a report: The unmanned submarine, whose moniker won a landslide victory in a public poll to name a $300 million British polar research ship, undertook its inaugural mission in April…