Medical Study Suggests iPhone 12 With MagSafe Can Deactivate Pacemakers

AmiMoJo shares a report from 9to5Mac: When Apple revived MagSafe with the iPhone 12 lineup, one question brought up was how these latest devices with more magnets would interact with medical devices like pacemakers. Apple’s official word was that iPhone 12/MagSafe wouldn’t interfere more than previous iPhones. Now one of the first medical studies has been published by the Heart Rhythm…

‘Companies Are Fleeing California. Blame Bad Government.’

Bloomberg Editorial Board: Amid raging wildfires, rolling blackouts and a worsening coronavirus outbreak, it has not been a great year for California. Unfortunately, the state is also reeling from a manmade disaster: an exodus of thriving companies to other states. In just the past few months, Hewlett Packard Enterprise said it was leaving for Houston. Oracle said it would decamp for…

Scientists complete yearlong pulsar timing study after reviving dormant radio telescopes

While the scientific community grapples with the loss of the Arecibo radio telescope, astronomers who recently revived a long-dormant radio telescope array in Argentina hope it can help modestly compensate for the work Arecibo did in pulsar timing. Last year, scientists at Rochester Institute of Technology and the Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia (IAR) began a pulsar timing study using two upgraded…

China’s Leaders Vow Tech ‘Self-Reliance,’ Military Power and Economic Recovery

An anonymous reader quotes a report from The New York Times: China’s Communist Party emerged from four days of meetings behind closed doors in Beijing declaring the country’s leader, Xi Jinping, a “helmsman” who would lead “the ship of socialism sailing into the wind and waves with determination.” At a time when other world leaders remain consumed by the coronavirus pandemic,…

Emacs Developers (Including Richard Stallman) Discuss How to Build a More ‘Modern’ Emacs re-visits the emacs-devel mailing list, where the Emacs 28 development cycle has revived discussions about how to make the text editor more “modern” and attractive to new users: A default dark theme may not be in the future, leading one to think that there may yet be hope for the world in general. But there does seem to be general…

Vigilante Sabotages Malware Botnet By Replacing Payloads With Animated GIFs

An anonymous reader writes: An unknown vigilante hacker has been sabotaging the operations of the recently-revived Emotet botnet by replacing Emotet payloads with animated GIFs, effectively preventing victims from getting infected. The sabotage, which started on July 21, has grown from a simple joke to a serious issue impacting a large portion of the Emotet operation, reducing the biggest malware botnet…

Damaged human lungs revived for transplant by connecting them to a pig

Donated human lungs that are too damaged to use for transplant can be returned to a usable state by connecting them to a pig’s blood supply for 24 hours Source:…