The Long Hack: How China Exploited a U.S. Tech Supplier

Supermicro chips and software were tampered with by Chinese operatives in the past decade, Bloomberg reported Friday, doubling down on its 2018 report that was widely disputed by several tech giants and government agencies. Today’s report says that U.S. security and defense officials knew of the hack but kept it secret in an effort to learn more about China’s hacking capabilities….

13 Scientists Troll Scientific Journal With a Bogus Paper about Earth’s Black Hole

“They’re trolling us… we think. But how the hell did this get published?” asks Popular Mechanics. Slashdot reader worldofsimulacra shares their report: Scientists have uncovered a bizarre, indefensible paper that squeaked through peer review at what appears at first pass to be a legitimate medical journal… 13 listed authors from wildly different fields throw together a series of escalating falsehoods. “Recently,…

Tech Firms Hire ‘Red Teams.’ Scientists Should, Too

The recent retraction of a research paper which claimed to find no link between police killings and the race of the victims was a story tailor-made for today’s fights over cancel culture. From a report: First, the authors asked for the paper to be withdrawn, both because they’d been “careless when describing the inferences that could be made from our data”…