Study suggests early Earth’s atmosphere was rich in carbon dioxide

Scientists studying tiny ancient meteorites have found evidence that Earth’s atmosphere used to contain much more carbon dioxide, and maybe less nitrogen, than it does now. Source:…

Newest solar telescope releases its 1st images

The clarity of these images from the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope in Hawaii is thanks to the telescope’s 4-meter mirror, the world’s largest for a solar telescope. “It’s the biggest jump in our ability to study the sun since Galileo’s time,” a scientist said. Source:…

How likely are space super-storms?

A new analysis shows that “severe” space super-storms happened 42 years out of the last 150, and “great” super-storms happened 6 years out of 150. These storms can disrupt modern electronics, aviation and satellite systems and communications. Source:…

Astronomers Capture the Highest-Resolution Photo of the Sun Ever Taken

Iwastheone shares a report from MIT Technology Review: Astronomers have just released the highest-resolution image of the sun. Taken by the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope in Maui, it gives us an unprecedented view of our nearest star and brings us closer to solving several long-standing mysteries. The new image demonstrates the telescope’s potential power. It shows off a surface that’s…

The best picture ever taken of the sun reveals its bizarre surface

The best picture of the sun is more than five times more detailed than the previous highest-resolution images, revealing weird structures on the sun’s surface Source:…

Coming Soon: an Open Source eBook Reader

Electronic component distributor Digi-Key will be producing a small manufacturing run of the “open hardware” ereader from the Open Book Project, reports Gizmodo: The raw hardware isn’t as sleek or pretty as devices like the Kindle, but at the same time there’s a certain appeal to the exposed circuit board which features brief descriptions of various components, ports, and connections etched…

Simulations reveal galaxy clusters details

Inspired by the science fiction of the spacefaring Romulans of Star Trek, astrophysicists have used XSEDE-allocated supercomputers to develop cosmological computer simulations called RomulusC, where the ‘C’ stands for galaxy cluster. With a focus on black hole physics, RomulusC has produced some of the highest resolution simulations ever of galaxy clusters, which can contain hundreds or even thousands of galaxies. Source:…