Astronomers determine chemical composition of a nearby stellar stream

By conducting high-resolution optical spectroscopic observations of a nearby stellar stream known as Pisces–Eridanus, astronomers have unveiled essential information about its chemical nature. Results of the new study are presented in a paper published March 10 on the arXiv pre-print repository. Source:…

India’s Chandrayaan 2 is creating the highest-resolution map we have of the moon

India’s space organization, ISRO, launched Chandrayaan 2 to the moon last year in July. While its lander Vikram crashed on the lunar surface on September 7, the Chandrayaan 2 orbiter continues to orbit the moon. Source:…

What is the gegenschein?

The sun’s counterglow – or gegenschein – is kind of a stargazers’ legend. What is it, and how can you see it? Erwin Matys and Karoline Mrazek of Project Nightflight explain. Source:…

Here’s how to see that huge asteroid that’ll safely pass Earth in April

The huge asteroid known as (52768) 1998 OR2 will pass closest on April 29, 2020. Observers peering through telescopes will see it as a slow-moving “star.” Charts, tips – plus how to watch online – here. Source:…

Super high-resolution Mars panorama revealed

NASA’s Curiosity rover has captured a panorama made up of over 1,000 images of the Martian surface. Taken over the course of four days by the rover’s … Source:…

Curiosity Mars rover snaps highest-resolution panorama yet

Composed of more than 1,000 images taken during the 2019 Thanksgiving holiday and carefully assembled over the ensuing months, the composite contains 1.8 billion pixels of Martian landscape. Source:…

Curiosity Mars rover snaps its highest-resolution panorama yet

NASA’s Curiosity rover has captured its highest-resolution panorama yet of the Martian surface. Composed of more than 1,000 images taken during the 2019 Thanksgiving holiday and carefully assembled over the ensuing months, the composite contains 1.8 billion pixels of Martian landscape. The rover’s Mast Camera, or Mastcam, used its telephoto lens to produce the panorama; meanwhile, it relied on its medium-angle…

Coronavirus Patient Visited San Antonio Hotel, Mall After She Was ‘Mistakenly Released’ From Isolation, Officials Say

A woman that tested positive for coronavirus was “mistakenly released” from isolation Saturday, causing the mayor of San Antonio to declare a public health emergency in the city. Dallas News reports: The patient was one of 91 evacuees who were brought to San Antonio from Wuhan, China. She was released Saturday and was in the community for a little more than…

IBM and Microsoft Sign Vatican Pledge For Ethical AI

IBM and Microsoft have signed an “ethical resolution” with the Vatican to develop AI in a way that will protect the planet and the rights of all people [Editor’s note: the link may be paywalled; alternative source]. From a report: The pledge, called the “Rome Call for AI Ethics,” will be presented on Friday morning to Pope Francis by Brad Smith,…

Smithsonian Releases 2.8 Million Images Into Public Domain

An anonymous reader quotes a report from the Smithsonian: For the first time in its 174-year history, the Smithsonian has released 2.8 million high-resolution two- and three-dimensional images from across its collections onto an open access online platform for patrons to peruse and download free of charge. Featuring data and material from all 19 Smithsonian museums, nine research centers, libraries, archives…