What is the Big Bang?

In the view of modern cosmologists, the Big Bang is the event that marked the birth of our universe. Source: https://earthsky.org/space/definition-what-is-the-big-bang…

The ‘Useless’ Perspective That Transformed Mathematics

Representation theory was initially dismissed. Today, it’s central to much of mathematics. From a report: When representation theory emerged in the late 19th century, many mathematicians questioned its worth. In 1897, the English mathematician William Burnside wrote that he doubted that this unorthodox perspective would yield any new results at all. “Basically what [Burnside was] saying is that representation theory is…

Einstein’s two mistakes

Scientific research is based on the relationship between the reality of nature, as it is observed, and a representation of this reality, formulated by a theory in mathematical language. If all the consequences of the theory are experimentally proven, it is considered as validated. This approach, which has been used for nearly four centuries, has built a consistent body of knowledge….

As the climate shifts, a border moves

Italy’s northern border with Switzerland depends on the natural, morphological boundaries of glaciers’ frontiers. But in recent years, glaciers have been melting at increased rates due to climate change. This has caused the border to shift noticeably. Source: https://earthsky.org/earth/climate-warming-glacier-italian-swiss-austrian-border-moves…

Documents Reveal FBI Head Defended Encryption for WhatsApp Before Becoming Fierce Critic

Christopher Wray, the FBI director who has been one of the fiercest critics of encryption under the Trump administration, previously worked as a lawyer for WhatsApp, where he defended the practice, according to new court filings. From a report: The documents, which were released late on Wednesday night as part of an unrelated matter, show Wray worked for WhatsApp in 2015…

How Google Researchers Used Neural Networks To Make Weather Forecasts

A research team at Google has developed a deep neural network that can make fast, detailed rainfall forecasts. Google says that its forecasts are more accurate than conventional weather forecasts, at least for time periods under six hours. Ars Technica reports: The researchers say their results are a dramatic improvement over previous techniques in two key ways. One is speed. Google…

China Shows Its Dominance in Surveillance Technology

Chinese companies have made every submission to UN on standards in past three years, Financial Times reports [the link may be paywalled]. From the report: Chinese companies have made every submission to the UN for international standards on surveillance technology in the past three years, according to documents reviewed by the Financial Times that show their rising dominance in the field….

Baidu Has a New Trick For Teaching AI the Meaning of Language

Baidu, China’s closest equivalent to Google, has achieved the highest score at the General Language Understanding Evaluation (GLUE) AI competition. What’s notable about Baidu’s achievement is that it illustrates how AI research benefits from a diversity of contributors. MIT Technology Review explains: GLUE is a widely accepted benchmark for how well an AI system understands human language. It consists of nine…

Amazon Researchers Use AI To Improve the Recognition of Curved Text

Kyle Wiggers, writing for VentureBeat: Optical character recognition (OCR), or the conversion of images of handwritten or printed text into machine-readable text, is a science that dates back to the early ’70s. But algorithms have long struggled to make out characters that aren’t parallel with horizontal planes, which is why researchers at Amazon developed what they call TextTubes. They’re detectors for…

Microsoft is Creating a New Rust-Based Programming Language For Secure Coding

Under Project Verona, Microsoft is working to make Windows 10 more secure by integrating Mozilla-developed Rust for low-level Windows components. “‘Memory safety’ is the term for coding frameworks that help protect memory space from being abused by malware,” reports ZDNet. “Project Verona at Microsoft is meant to progress the company’s work here to close off this attack vector.” From the report:…